Authentication and rights service and API in Go (golang)
Auth-service allows this one centralized service to manage authentication and rights management across various services without having to share a secret.
A private key is used to cryptographically secure access tokens for other services to confirm validity against the public key.
The web service has methods:
- /pubkey - to allow anyone to get the public key for verifying tokens.
- /login - allows a user to login directly.
- /login-as - allows a service with scope user_login_as to login as a user.
- /signup - allows a user to sign up directly (unless -allowUserSignup=false), or a service to sign up a user.
- /create-key - allows a service to create other service tokens.
- /validate - to validate a token.
- /update-user - allows a user to update their user account, they first have to login with scope user_edit.
- /get-user - allows a user to get information on their own user account.
- /get-user-scopes - allows a service to get scope information for a user, but only scopes the service is allowed to see.
- /add-user-scopes - allows a service to add scopes for a user, but only scopes the service is allowed to manage.
- /remove-user-scopes - #2
Service tokens can be created with a master key, by using a master key (-createMaster switch below) or another service token. A non-master service token can only grant scopes to the new service token that it itself has, or is derived from one of its canon scopes. A canon scope is in a separate set of service scopes that are not the current active scopes, but allows the service to grant other services those scopes or scopes derived via scope_*, and allows adding those scopes to a user's scopes.
Services can use the API (godoc) to simplify working with the auth service, this API definition is under the MIT license. Quick example:
a := &auth.Auth{URL: "http://auth-service:8080", AuthToken: "YourServiceToken"}
tok, err := a.GetToken(context.Background(), userTokenString)
if err != nil {
scopes := auth.GetTokenScopes(tok)
if scopes.IsUser() && scopes.Has("myservice_feature") {
// ...
Service usage below.
Usage of ./auth-service:
-addr string
Address (default ":8080")
Allow users to sign up (create user account) directly (default true)
Create a master key and display it on stdout, expires in 5 minutes
-dbPath string
Set SQLite database path (default "./auth-service.db")
Exit without starting the service
Enables forwarding ALL requests via the headers X-Forwarded-For or X-Real-IP
-key string
Path to the RSA private key file (default "./auth-service.pem")
-signupIPRatePeriod duration
Allows 1 user signups per IP per this duration (default 24h0m0s)
-signupRatePeriod duration
Allows 3 user signups total per this duration (default 1h0m0s)
-throttle int
Limit concurrent requests, 0 to disable (default 10)
-timeout duration
Request timeout (default 1s)
-usernamePattern string
Override the default valid username regexp pattern
Note: this project should probably be renamed.