This project implements examples from Effective Kafka book, but using Node.js.
It uses things from the Effective Kafka Java repository.
You need a Kafka instance running, which can be done with docker-compose:
cd docker-compose/single-broker
docker-compose up -d
Kafdrop will be available at http://localhost:9000
Then, you can run the examples:
A very simple exemple of producer and consumer.
The code is in src/simpleFlow
yarn start:simple:publisher
yarn start:simple:consumer
This example serializes the messages in JSON format, parsed with Zod. It is organized in hexagonal architecture, with the core part being unit tested.
The code is in src/serializedFlow
yarn start:serialized:publisher
yarn start:serialized:consumer
This example uses a Kafka transaction to ensure the publication of a message is done exactly-once.
The code is in src/transactionalFlow
The first stage consumes messages from the input topic, computes the square of a value, and publishes them to the output topic.
With idempotence activated on the publisher, and retries activated on the consumer and on the publisher, the only way the messages could be published twice is if the client process crashes. And specifically crashes after the a message is published and before having commited the offset as a consumer.
This use case just creates 10 events in stage 1 topic, to trigger the next job that will use the transaction.
yarn start:transactional:publish-to-stage1
This use case consumes from stage 1 topic, computes the square of the value, and publishes to stage 2 topic.
yarn start:transactional:publish-to-stage2
Next step: making it work with multiple partitions, by creating one producer per partition.