The following script will allow you to generate a on-box device configuration based on a list of pre-defined device properites (loopback, tunnel, etc.) from a imported nodes.csv file. The user runs the script and selects the particular "Node" # they want to generate. The user then has the option to commit the configuration to the running and startup configurations.
Note: This script has only been tested on the CISCO Catalyst 8000v router image, but should work on other platforms that support Python 3.
First turn on iox and guestshell for your specific platform.
Example IOX/Guestshell Configuration:
Add the following files from the repository to your devices: /bootflash/guest-share/
ROUTER1# guestshell run bash
[guestshell@guestshell ~]$ vi /bootflash/guest-share/
[guestshell@guestshell ~]$ vi /bootflash/guest-share/nodes.csv
ROUTER1# guestshell run python3 /bootflash/guest-share/