Command line tool that creates seamless reports on course data from the Canvas LMS API.
- Select from your courses and sections
- Generate summary LaTeX PDF reports on individual or multiple section(s)
- View grade distributions and statistics for a certain assignment
- Compare grading progress between sections
For a sample document, please see EN.500.130_Biomedical_Engineering_Innovation_Section_4
Canvas CLI depends on a number of open source projects such as TeXShop, asyncio, matplotlib, and inquirer among others. Clone the repository and within the /canvas_cli directory, install the dependencies by running: pipenv install
. Should you encounter the Too many open files
error, please run ulimit -Sn 10000
- To authenticate, you will need a Canvas access token
- Configure the config file with your institution's url, courses, and sections
# replace the url with your school's canvas website
url = "https://<yourschool>"
# define the courses dictionary by course name, section number, and canvas ids
courses = {
"<course_name>": {
'sections': [1, 2, 3],
'ids': {
1: '13232',
2: '13233',
3: '13234',
"<course_name>": { ... },
- Finally, run
to select options and generate your document
A successful run will look as such:
> user@user canvas_cli % python3
Canvas access code: 12394~SdDZzwzWSvytpvQXsdkDSKaLdsk3fAkjf9dfsnc4Sknal5skjd
[?] Welcome, choose an option : Find your course
> Find your course
Enter course id
[?] Choose a course : EN.500.130 Biomedical Engineering Innovation
EN.500.109 What is Engineering?
> EN.500.130 Biomedical Engineering Innovation
CO.EN.BMEI.100 Teacher Training
CO.EN.EEI.100 Teacher Training
[?] Choose a section : 4
> 4
All sections
Pulling submission data from Canvas API...
13.974240150999998 s
Surveying grading progress from Canvas API...
3.8051256249999987 s
Creating grade distribution bar charts...
17.099024909 s
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.24 (TeX Live 2022) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
Successfully generated tex/EN.500.130_Biomedical_Engineering_Innovation_Section_4.tex!