The Kitchen Sink app is a tutorial to demonstrate how to use the API.
The Kitchen Sink app implements every API call on a single page application. When a user lands on the page for the first time, they are given a message indicating they need to OAuth with to give the app permission. Details on implementing OAuth with the API are available on our Authorization documentation page. The Kitchen Sink only stores this code for 24 hours in a cookie, but the API page includes more information on preserving/renewing OAuth tokens.
After this, the individual endpoints are all called in the js/joinmeendpoints folder. Examples for how to call each of the API endpoints can be viewed there.
This code is runnable with some simple setup:
- Download this and open the solution file in Visual Studio 2013.
- Open the Web.config, and fill in the following app settings with the relevant information from the site:
- AccessToken - the API key for your application
- BaseDomain - the domain name where your app is running. For example, Note that these settings will need to be configured appropriately on the developer portal as well, including the redirect url.
The following packages/libraries are in use in this project:
- Bootstrap - Licensed under the MIT license: Bootstrap License FAQs
- Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker - Licensed under the MIT License
- Handlebars JS - Licensed under the MIT License
- jQuery - Licensed under the MIT License
- json2.js - Licensed under The JSON License
- Moment JS - Licensed under the MIT License
The Kitchen Sink source is BSD licensed.