GoLEDz is a Go-based backend for controlling LEDs. It also includes a web-based visualizer for viewing patterns in development, without the need for a physical device.
The visualizer allows you to preview patterns on a development device through a browser.
It is currently recommended to use FireFox or Safari, as the current method for drawing to a canvas is VERY slow in Chrome.
The backend depends on Go, which can be downloaded and installed from here.
While the visualizer is written in vanilla JS, the dev environement uses Vite, which depends on NPM.
Install all of the backend dependencies:
$ cd backend
$ go get .
Install all of the visualizer dependencies:
$ cd visualizer
$ npm install
To run the project, first navigate into the backend
, then run the go project:
$ cd backend
$ go run .
To run the visualizer, navigate to the vizualizer
directory and run the Vite dev server:
$ cd visualizer
$ npm run dev
To enable live reload upon changes to the backend code, air is recommended.
To install:
$ go install github.com/cosmtrek/air@latest
To run:
$ cd backend
$ air