- Why deep learning won’t give us level 5 self-driving cars
- How Lyft Uses PyTorch to Power Machine Learning for Their Self-Driving Cars
- Self-Driving Cars Specialization(Coursera)
- Self-driving Cars Lectures(MIT)
- Self-driving Cars(University of tuebingen)
- Self-Driving Cars(University of Bonn)
- Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree(Udacity)
- ONCE Dataset (One millioN sCenEs)
- All-In-One Drive (AIODrive)
- Ford Multi-AV Seasonal dataset
- A2D2: Audi Autonomous Driving Dataset
- Dense Depth for Autonomous Driving (DDAD) — Toyota Research Institute
- Waymo Open Dataset
- Lyft Level 5 Dataset
- nuScenes dataset
- H3D - Honda 3D Dataset