Simple programming language I had made during first year in the college.
core of language is working.
it has macros, REPL, reasonable error reporting (see errors.lisp)
Documentation is in html/
It has around 2.5k lines of C++ code.
utils/mylisp.lang is syntax highlighting for lispi for gedit (put symlink to /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/)
nice picture of inheritance of classes: html/inherits.html
Features that are missing and would be fun to add sometime: tail-recursion, garbage collection
./lisp program.lisp
(printnl "Example source code (test.lisp):")
(and True (== 1 0) (print "nothing will be printed"))
# defun - Macro for defining functions
# - it makes anonymous function and then assign name to it.
# - argument body has to have just one statement. More complex functions can be contained in
# do (evall A B C)
# example:
# (defun helloworld ()
# (print "hello world"))
(defmacro defun (name params body)
(backquote (set
(comma name)
(comma (backquote (lambda
(comma params)
(comma body)))))))
# import - function for importing and evaluating another source code
(defun import (filename)
(progn (parse (readfile filename)))
(import "stdlib/io.lisp")
(import "stdlib/math.lisp")
# Function for computing factorial, using classic recurrent formula.
# example: (fact 5)
(defun fact (x)
(if (== x 0)
(* x (fact (- x 1)))))
(printnl (fact 5))
See html/stdlibc_8h.html and stdlib/ for more examples.