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Add code for generating 15yr populations
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lzkelley committed Feb 1, 2024
1 parent 87bde6c commit 4a15e92
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339 changes: 339 additions & 0 deletions analysis/gen-15yr-pops/
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"""Script to generate Holodeck populations, drawing from the 15yr analysis constraints.
See `holodeck-pops.ipynb` for example usage of this data.
See `python -h` for usage information.
python -t 20 -f 30 -r 100 -l 10 -m
| | | | |--> use maxmimum-likelihood values
| | | |------> 10 loudest binaries in each frequency bin
| | |-------------> 100 realizations of populations
| |-------------------> 30 frequency bins
|-------------------------> 20 years observing baseline = 1/(20yr) lowest frequency
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

import holodeck as holo
import holodeck.librarian
from holodeck.constants import YR

# Choose range of orbital periods of interest
TDUR = 16.0 # yr
NREALS = 103

# Path to chains, fitting holodeck populations to data, giving parameter posteriors

# Parameter space corresponding to the fit data
PSPACE = holo.librarian.param_spaces_classic.PS_Classic_Phenom_Uniform

# Path to save output data
PATH_OUTPUT = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("output")
assert PATH_OUTPUT.is_dir(), f"{PATH_OUTPUT=} does not exist!"

def main(args=None):
"""Top level function that does all the work.

# ---- Setup / Initialization

# load arguments
if args is None:
args = setup_argparse()

# load chains (i.e. parameter posterior distributions)
chains = load_chains(PATH_DATA)

# select parameters for this population
if args.maxlike:
pkey = "ML"
pars = get_maxlike_pars_from_chains(chains)
pkey = "draw"
pars = sample_chains(chains)

# construct output filename
output = Path(args.output).resolve()
# Find a unique filename, in case other populations have already been created
ml_warning = False
for num in range(10000):
fname = f"t{args.tdur:.1f}yr_nf{args.nfreqs}_nr{args.nreals}_nl{args.nloudest}_{pkey}_{num:04d}.npz"
fname = output.joinpath(fname)
if not fname.exists():
if (num > 0) and args.maxlike and (ml_warning is False):

raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find a filename that doesn't exist! e.g. {fname}")

# ---- Construct population and derived properties

# Build populations with holodeck
data = load_population_for_pars(args, pars)

# ---- Save to output file

# Save data
print(f"Saved size {holo.utils.get_file_size(fname)} : {fname}")


def setup_argparse(*args, **kwargs):
"""Setup parameters/arguments.
Note that this can be used to set parameters NOT from command-line usage,
but in this case the `args` argument must be set to empty. For example:
This will load of all the default arguments (NOTE the empty string argument is typically needed):
``args = gen_holodeck_pops.setup_argparse("")``
This will set the desired parameters, and otherwise load the defaults:
``args = gen_holodeck_pops.setup_argparse("", nloudest=12, nreals=6, maxlike=True)``

# Setup ArgumentParser and parameters / arguments

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

'-o', '--output', default=PATH_OUTPUT, dest='output', type=str,
help="Directory to place output files (created if it doesn't already exist)."
'-t', '--dur', default=TDUR, dest='tdur', type=float,
help='Observational duration in years. Determines frequency bins.'
'-f', '--nfreqs', default=NFREQS, dest='nfreqs', type=int,
help='Number of frequency bins.'
'-r', '--nreals', default=NREALS, dest='nreals', type=int,
help='Number of realizations.'
'-l', '--nloudest', default=NLOUDEST, dest='nloudest', type=int,
help='Number of loudest binaries in each frequency bin.'
'-m', '--maxlike', action='store_true', default=False, dest='maxlike',
help='Use the maximum likelihood parameters, instead of drawing from the posteriors.'

# Set custom parameters passed through the `kwargs` argument (i.e. if this function is called from another module)
args = parser.parse_args(*args)
for kk, vv in kwargs.items():
if not hasattr(args, kk):
raise KeyError(f"Argparse {args} has no attribute {kk}!")
setattr(args, kk, vv)

return args

def load_population_for_pars(args, pars):
"""Construct a holodeck population.
args : argparse.Namespace
Arguments for constructing the population and calculating properties.
Typically `args` should be loaded using the `setup_argparse` function.
pars : dict
Binary population parameters for the appropriate parameter space `PSPACE`.
Typically the `pars` should be loaded using either the `sample_chains` or the
`get_maxlike_pars_from_chains` function.
data : dict
Binary population and derived properties.
* `number` : ndarray (M, Q, Z, F)
Number of binaries in the Universe in each bin.
The bins are total mass (M), mass ratio (Q), redshift (Z), and frequency (F).
* `hc_ss` : ndarray (F, R, L)
GW characteristic strain of the loudest L binaries in each frequency bin (F) and realization (R).
The GW frequencies are assumed to be 2x the orbital frequencies (i.e. circular orbits).
* `hc_bg` : ndarray (F, R)
GW characteristic strain of all binaries besides the L loudest in each frequency bin,
for frequency bins `F` and realizations `R`.
The GW frequencies are assumed to be 2x the orbital frequencies (i.e. circular orbits).
* `sspar` : ndarray (P, F, R, L)
Binary parameters of the loudest `L` binaries in each frequency bin `F` for realizations `R`.
The P=4 parameters included are {total mass [grams], mass ratio, initial redshift, final redshift},
where initial redshift is at the time of galaxy merger, and final redshift is when reaching the frequency bin.
* `mtot_edges` : ndarray (M+1,)
The edges of the total-mass dimension of the SAM grid, in units of [grams].
Note that there are `M+1` bin edges for `M` bins.
* `mrat_edges` : ndarray (Q+1,)
The edges of the mass-ratio dimension of the SAM grid.
Note that there are `Q+1` bin edges for `Q` bins.
* `redz_edges` : ndarray (Z+1,)
The edges of the redshfit dimension of the SAM grid.
Note that there are `Z+1` bin edges for `Z` bins.
* `fobs_orb_edges` : ndarray (F+1,)
The edges of the orbital-frequency dimension of the SAM grid.
Note that there are `F+1` bin edges for `F` bins.

# Choose the appropriate Parameter Space (from 15yr astro analysis)
# Load SAM and hardening model for desired parameters
sam, hard = PSPACE.model_for_params(pars)

fobs_orb_cents, fobs_orb_edges = holo.utils.pta_freqs(args.tdur*YR, args.nfreqs)
# fobs_gw_edges = fobs_orb_edges * 2.0
# fobs_gw_cents = fobs_orb_cents * 2.0

# calculate (differential) number of binaries
redz_final, diff_num = holo.sams.sam_cyutils.dynamic_binary_number_at_fobs(
fobs_orb_cents, sam, hard, holo.cosmo
# integrate to find total number of binaries in each bin
edges = [sam.mtot, sam.mrat, sam.redz, fobs_orb_edges]
number = holo.sams.sam_cyutils.integrate_differential_number_3dx1d(edges, diff_num)
# print(f"Loaded {number.sum():.1e} binaries across frequency range")

vals = holo.single_sources.ss_gws_redz(
edges, redz_final, number,
realize=args.nreals, loudest=args.nloudest, params=True,

# `sspar` parameters are (total mass, mass ratio, initial redshift, final redshift)
hc_ss, hc_bg, sspar, bgpar = vals

data = dict(
number=number, hc_ss=hc_ss, hc_bg=hc_bg, sspar=sspar,
mtot_edges=edges[0], mrat_edges=edges[1], redz_edges=edges[2], fobs_orb_edges=edges[3],

return data

def load_chains(path_data):
"""Load the MCMC chains from the given path.
The path must contain the expected files resulting from fitting with `ceffyl`.
path_data : `str` or `pathlib.Path`
Path to directory containing the `pars.txt` and `chain_1.0.txt` files.
data : dict
The values at each step of the MCMC chains for each parameters.
For example, the parameters may be:
['hard_time', 'gsmf_phi0', 'gsmf_mchar0_log10',
'mmb_mamp_log10', 'mmb_scatter_dex', 'hard_gamma_inner'],
in which case each of these will be an entry in the dictionary, where the values are an
array of the steps in each of these parameters.
path_data = Path(path_data)
fname_pars = path_data.joinpath("pars.txt")
fname_chains = path_data.joinpath("chain_1.0.txt")

assert path_data.is_dir(), f"Path to chains '{path_data}' does not exist!"
assert fname_chains.is_file(), f"Could not find chain file '{fname_chains}'!"
assert fname_pars.is_file(), f"Could not find chain parameters file '{fname_pars}'!"

# load the names of each parameter
chain_pars = np.loadtxt(fname_pars, dtype=str)
# load the chains themselves
chains = np.loadtxt(fname_chains)
# combine names and chains into dictionary
data = {name: vals for name, vals in zip(chain_pars, chains.T)}
return data

def sample_chains(chains):
"""Sample randomly from the given chains (i.e. parameter posteriors).
chains : dict
The MCMC parameter values for each of the parameters in this holodeck parameter-space.
These chains should typically be loaded using the `load_chains` function.
pars : dict
Randomly selected parameters drawn from the `chains`.
This will be a single float value for each of the parameters in the holodeck parameter-space,
for example:
['hard_time', 'gsmf_phi0', 'gsmf_mchar0_log10',
'mmb_mamp_log10', 'mmb_scatter_dex', 'hard_gamma_inner'],
nlinks = list(chains.values())[0].size
idx = np.random.choice(nlinks)
pars = {key: value[idx] for key, value in chains.items()}
return pars

def get_maxlike_pars_from_chains(chains):
"""Load the maximum-likelihood (ML) parameters from the given chains (i.e. parameter posteriors).
KDEs from `kalepy` are used to construct the ML parameters.
chains : dict
The MCMC parameter values for each of the parameters in this holodeck parameter-space.
These chains should typically be loaded using the `load_chains` function.
pars : dict
Maximum likelihood parameters drawn from the `chains`.
This will be a single float value for each of the parameters in the holodeck parameter-space,
for example:
['hard_time', 'gsmf_phi0', 'gsmf_mchar0_log10',
'mmb_mamp_log10', 'mmb_scatter_dex', 'hard_gamma_inner'],
import kalepy as kale

# Get maximum likelihood parameters (estimate using KDE)
mlpars = {}
for name, vals in chains.items():
extr = holo.utils.minmax(vals)
xx, yy = kale.density(vals, reflect=extr)
idx = np.argmax(yy)
xmax = xx[idx]
mlpars[name] = xmax
# print(f"{name:>30s}: {xmax:+5.2f}")

return mlpars

# ---- Run the `main` function when this file is called as a script

if __name__ == "__main__":

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