This project focusses on using OpenCV to detect text in images using the EAST text detector. The bounding box be obtained for individual texts as well as lines. Once the text is detected, we then use tesseract C++ api to recognize/extract the detected text.
Run the file text_recognition.cpp as below
g++ text_recognition.cpp -lboost_system -lcrypto -lssl -lcpprest `pkg-config --cflags --libs tesseract opencv`
./a.out -i=sample.jpg -m=frozen_east_text_detection.pb -d=line
Text detection output:
Text recognition output:
{ "text": "HEALTHY FOOD MENU!", "boundingBox": [ { "x": "280.38", "y": "62.87" }, { "x": "280.13", "y": "29.76" }, { "x": "686.98", "y": "27.60" }, { "x": "687.45", "y": "62.72" } ] }
- EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector