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Using Nextflow with Flux

:::{versionadded} 22.11.0-edge :::

The Flux Framework is a modern resource manager that can span the space between cloud and HPC. If your center does not provide Flux for you, you can build Flux on your own and launch it as a job with your resource manager of choice (e.g. SLURM or a cloud provider).


In the docker/flux directory we provide a Dockerfile for interacting with Flux along with a VSCode Developer Container environment that you can put at the root of the project to be provided with a Flux agent and the dependencies needed to build Nextflow. There are two ways to use this:

  • Build a container from scratch and bind your code to it (e.g. for development or testing)
  • Use VSCode and DevContainers to create a more seamless environment

Both strategies are described below. For this tutorial, you will generally want to prepare a pipeline to use the flux executor, create an environment with Flux, start a Flux instance, and interact with it.

Prepare your pipeline

To run your pipeline with Flux, you'll want to specify it in your config. Here is an example nextflow.config:

manifest {
    mainScript = ''
    homePage = ''
    description = 'Demo using Nextflow with Flux'

process {
    executor = 'flux'

For additional Flux settings, see the {ref}flux-executor section.

Here is an example pipeline that we will use:

workflow {
    breakfast = Channel.of '🥞️', '🥑️', '🥧️', '🍵️', '🍞️'

process haveMeal {
    debug true
    val food
    printf '$food for breakfast!'

Container Environment

You can either build the Docker image from the root of the Nextflow repository:

$ docker build -f docker/flux/.devcontainer/Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 -o type=docker -t nextflow-flux .

And then shell into the container for a development environment. You'll need to bind the present working directory to /code to see your local changes in the container:

$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/code nextflow-flux

You can also move the .devcontainer directory to the root of your repository, and open it in VSCode:

$ cp -R docker/flux/.devcontainer .devcontainer

Then open in VSCode, and select Re-open in container:

$ code .

Then you should be able to open a terminal (Terminal -> New Terminal) to interact with the command line. Try running make again! Whichever of these two approaches you take, you should be in a container environment with the flux command available.

Start a Flux Instance

Once in your container, you can start an interactive Flux instance (from which you can submit jobs on the command line to test with Nextflow) as follows:

$ flux start --test-size=4

Getting Familiar with Flux

:::{note} This step is optional! :::

Here is an example of submitting a job and getting the log for it.

First submit the job:

$ flux submit echo "HELLO MOTO"

Then get the log for it:

$ flux job attach ƒEzWqspb

Try submitting a longer job:

$ flux submit sleep 60

And then seeing it in the jobs listing.

$ flux jobs
   ƒ4tkMUAAT root     sleep       R      1      1   2.546s ab6634a491bb

Submitting with Nextflow

Prepare your nextflow.config and in the same directory.

$ ls .    nextflow.config

If you've installed Nextflow already, you are good to go! If you are working with development code and need to build Nextflow:

$ make assemble

Make sure nextflow is on your PATH (here we are in the root of the Nextflow repository):

$ export PATH=$PWD:$PATH
$ which nextflow

Then change to the directory with your config and demo file:

$ cd docker/flux

And then run the pipeline with Flux!

$ nextflow -c nextflow.config run

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 22.10.0
Launching `` [clever_blackwell] DSL2 - revision: f8cda838cb
executor >  flux (5)
[4c/f162db] process > haveMeal (3) [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
🥞️ for breakfast!
🍞️ for breakfast!
🍵️ for breakfast!
🥑️ for breakfast!
🥧️ for breakfast!

And that's it! You've just run a pipeline using nextflow and Flux.