Yet another python program to create a METAR map with your Raspberry Pi
In short, raspi-metar
is a Raspberry Pi project that takes METAR data from various airports and displays it on a VFR sectional map using NEOPIXEL LEDs.
I know, there are other projects just like this on GitHub. However, I love learning. I wanted to expand my knowledge of python and see if I could create this myself! I wanted to look at this thing up on my wall and have the satisfaction that I made it myself.
I hope that you find this project interesting. I hope it can be used as a tool to learn about computers, weather, and aviation: some of my favorite things! (Huge nerd)
This project is not solely intended on you avgeeks, rather, anyone interested in computers, weather, or aviation. I feel like a lot of "beginner" Raspberry Pi projects tend to be weather tools that you'll never use or provide limited value or entertainment. This project is intended to be super beginner friendly and NOT limited to us avgeeks! Yes, you'll find a lot of aviation terms in this project, but think of it as a way to learn more about a new subject. Plus, I'll try to add a glossary at the end for some terms you may not know so if you see an unfamiliar word with a hyperlink, click on it!
Please see the wiki for all the details on the build! Currently, it is a work in progress.