I'm a hard working developer who wants to become a proficient Software Engineer. I love thinking about new solutions and I'm building my profile as a FullStack with stronger skills in Backend than Frontend design
My main stack is SpringBoot for backend and Angular for frontend, and I'm currently working as a Software Developer at Despegar.
Previously, I worked migrating jPos Framework projects from version 1 to version 2.
I am currently learning:
- Angular v17
Next things to learn:
- Ionic (with Angular!)
I have studied, read or learned about:
- Spring Framework & SpringBoot (+ v2 to v3 migrations).
- Java SE 21.
- Hibernate ORM for JAVA.
- Object-oriented paradigm (OOP), SOLID+, and some design patterns.
- JavaScript ES6: => fat arrow functions, async/await functions, promises, import/export syntax.
- SQL Queries
- GIT as VCS.
- How to manage REST APIs in SpringBoot and in Node.JS with the Express package.
- Implementation of Spring Security for API Rest using JWT.
- Agile Scrum framework.
- GitHub Actions as CI/CD tool to automatize some tasks.
- Linux. Terminal (shell), filesystem management (files, directories and permissions), vi, libraries, DEB and RPM packages: use of APT, YUM and Zypper.
- Security. General concepts, authentication, vulnerabilities, malware, hashing.
- OracleDB: Flashback queries.
- MSSQL scripts: DDL and DML. Creation of tables with all kinds of restrictions. Also use of transactions in sotred procedures and triggers.
- MS PowerBI + MS Power Automate + MS Planner.
- HTML, CSS, JS (+ Bootstrap/PrimeNG/AntD/MaterialUI + AOS/Animista).
You can
- Contact me at [email protected]
- Connect me on LinkedIn!
- Check my resume (Probably outdated)