Advent of Code is an annual set of Christmas-themed computer programming challenges that follow an Advent calendar.
Each year, 25 puzzles are created and tested in advance by Eric Wastl, the founder of Advent of Code. They are released on a daily schedule from December 1 to December 25 at midnight EST.
Puzzles consist of two parts that must be solved in order, with the second part not revealed to the user until the first part is solved correctly. Participants earn one golden star for each part they finish, giving a possible total of two stars per day and fifty stars per year.
Each puzzle contains a fictional backstory that is the same for all participants, but each person receives a different piece of input data and should generate a different correct result.
Day | Title | Solution |
1 | Calorie Counting | Java |
2 | Rock Paper Scissors | Java |
3 | Rucksack Reorganization | Java |
4 | Camp Cleanup | Java |