MQTT Crypto price ticker using an ESP32-WROOM-32 with a 240x280 TFT using the SPI ST7789 interface controller
Text is drawn by using the TFT_eSPI library using the google Noto Sans anti-aliased font that is loaded into a flash array.
The price tracker client display the coin name, price, daily % move (+ or -), daily volume. This information is received by the client listening in on a MQTT topic as a JSON payload.
- This code is using platformio with TFT_eSPI, AsyncMqttClient and ArduinoJson libraries. Refer platformio.ini.
- A MQTT server publishing price JSON payloads to the MQTT_PRICE_TOPIC (crypto/prices) periodically. Refer Docker Python Crypto Price Server
- Setup SSID and WIFI password
- Connect to wifi
- Connect to MQTT server
- Subscribe to MQTT_PRICE_TOPIC
- mqttClient.onMessage
- Deserialise the JSON payload in the MQTT message
- Parse JSON
- Display crypto price data on the TFT using TFT_eSPI library.
"time":"Sat 1-04-23 19:09:15",
Python crypto price server running in docker --> MQTT server --> ESP32-CRYPTO-TICKER client