15 Puzzle (or 15 game or taquin) coded in Pascal by Luc PREVOST.
15 Puzzle uses the folowing Pascal units:
To execute it, palce taquinmain.pas, taquinoutils.pas, taquinIHM.pas, and taquincalc.pas in the same folder. Compile the taquinmain.pas file and run it. After launching the program, a terminal windows pops up.
Everything happens in the terminal. Select the option you want using ↑ and ↓ arrows (or '8' and '2' keys if the VERR NUM buton is desactivated), then press SPACE BAR to validate. Any other key won't do anything.
The first step is choosing the level. The higher it is, the larger the grid will be. Commands to play are ↑, ↓, →, ← arrrows to fill the void with a number next to it. If the score is among the top 3, the play will be asked to enter his pseudo to save it. Then the 3 choices are to play again by entering a level, come back to the menu, or exit the program.
Scores are saved in the score_15puzzle.txt file. If this file doesn't exist, it is created. It is possible to rest scores in the score option.
Now it is your turn to break records !
Thank you for playing 15 Puzzle 🙂
Just solve !