DANM 3.3.0 - Have you heard the word?
It is user experience!
Okay, it is actually two words.
Anyway, we sincerely believe that DANM is da bomb when it comes to network management in Kubernetes, but at the same time it really needed some quality of life improvements.
So that's exactly what we did with DANM 3.3.0: we have a spent a month or two testing critical code paths, weeding out bugs, and tweaking the API to make your network management experience as seamless as possible!
Are you not entertained? How about then making all dynamic backends -IPVLAN, SR-IOV, MACVLAN- IPv6, AND dual-stack compliant?
Project quality improvements
- The first one is for you, dear contributors: restructured the code to mirror the quasi-official Golang project layout (#58)
- Quality starts at automatically executing all tests before the merge of every PR, something which we now do!
- 100% UT coverage, and the squashing of all major bugs was long overdue for the ipam package (#60)
- Syncher package did not have that many bugs, but 100% coverage is still nice to have (#59)
- How about the same for cnidel package? Sounds important, right? (#71)
Usability improvements
- You can now configure via NetworkID which CNI config file to use when delegating to a static backend(#63)
- "container_prefix" now means what its name suggests, making it impossible for the user to accidentally misconfigure the name of their interfaces(#78)
- Including the infamous "eth0" - we know you use DANM with Kubernetes, so believe us: you need your first NIC to be always called that!
- Do you want control over which interface naming scheme DANM should use, or where do the CNI config files reside? Say no more!(#83)
- Weave was not working very well together with DANM, but that's in the past (#67)
- Fixed the hard restriction that DanmNet names, and their NetworkIDs need to match, which was essentially breaking a couple of features(#80, #81)
IPv6 and dual-stack improvements
Brought to you by @TothFerenc!
- DANM now takes care of all your IPv6 related kernel setting needs (#69, #76)
- Dual-stack support is now extended to all dynamic delegates (#74)
- Unnecessary gARP replies are not sent anymore for IPv6 interfaces (#79)
- Pure IPv6 support is now extended to all dynamic delegates (#85)
What's next - DANM 4.0.0 looming on the horizon
Unless something requires hotfixing, we won't release any new DANM Version 3 content from now on.
The reason behind this decision is that we are planning to completely renew DANM network management interfaces - and hopefully blow your mind in the process!
Once this super secret awesomeness has been fully implemented, we will turn the page on DANM 3.0, and will call it "DANM 4.0". (Totally unrelated: we do accept marketing and branding advice from basically anyone).
Want to know more? You never know, we might spoil a thing or two if you ask :)