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PWA Pool maintenance app using Akka-Http, Quill, uPickle, ScalaJs, Laminar, JoddMail and Postgresql.


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PWA Pool App

PWA Pool maintenance app using Akka-Http, Quill, uPickle, ScalaJs, Laminar, JoddMail and Postgresql.


  1. brew install postgresql
  2. brew install node
  3. npm install jsdom


Provide valid configuration for:

  1. Postgresql
  2. SMTP

in these conf files:

  1. jvm/src/it/resources/test.server.conf
  2. jvm/src/main/resoures/server.conf


None of the following Scalajs bundling options yield satisfactory results:

  1. ScalaJS Bundler:
  2. Sbt Web:
  3. Sbt Web ScalaJS:

There is no Scalajs bundling standard.


Using ( libraryDependencies += "org.scala-js" %% "scalajs-env-jsdom-nodejs" % "1.1.0" ) in plugins.sbt provides access to a NodeJs environment ( ) for testing. Yet the following jsEnv shortcomings exist:

  1. NodeJs - Window object not supported.
  2. NodeJs and Jsdom - Window object supported. IndexedDB not supported. Other Windows libraries likely not supported.
  3. PhantomJS - Throws exception. Advanced configuration not available.
  4. Selenium - Doesn't support headless.

Use utest ( ) for testing.


[ shared ]

  1. sbt [ interactive session ]
  2. project shared/clean | compile | test

[ jvm ]

  1. sbt [ interactive session ]
  2. project jvm/clean | compile | test | it:test | run

[ js ]

  1. sbt [ interactive session ]
  2. project js/clean | fastLinkJS | fullLinkJS
  3. open target/scala-2.13/classes/public/index.html and:
    1. via Intellij, click target browser in right top corner OR
    2. via VSCode, right click open with Live Server ( VSCode ) ( must install Live Server extension )
  4. open developer tools in index.html browser tab


  1. sbt sharedJVM/clean test
  2. sbt jvm/clean it:test



  1. sbt jvm/run [ curl -v http://localhost:7979/now ]


  1. open target/scala-2.13/classes/public/index.html and:
    1. via Intellij, click target browser in right top corner OR
    2. via VSCode, right click open with Live Server ( VSCode ) ( must install Live Server extension )
  2. open developer tools in index.html browser tab


See sbt-native-packager ( ) for details on universal:packageZipTarball.


  1. sbt jvm/universal:packageZipTarball


  1. sbt js/clean fullLinkJS
  2. sbt js/universal:packageZipTarball

Http Codes

The Router only emits: 200, 400, 401, 500


  • Command => Fault | Event
  • Entity => Fault | State


  • CommandProxy => EventHandler
  • EntityProxy => StateHandler


  • Register( email ) => Registering( inProgress )
  • Login( email, pin ) => LoggedIn( account )
  • Deactivate( license ) => Deactivated( account )
  • Reactivate( license ) => Reactivated( account )


  • Register ( email )
  • Login ( email, pin )
  • Account ( license, email, pin, activated, deactivated )
  • Pool ( pool )


  1. Pool
    • Pools -> Pool
    • Surfaces -> Surface
    • Pumps -> Pump
    • Timers -> Timer -> TimerSettings
    • Heaters -> Heater -> HeaterSettings -> HeaterSetting
  2. Maintenance
    • Measurments -> Measurement **
    • Cleanings -> Cleaning **
    • Chemicals -> Chemical **
  3. Expenses
    • Supplies -> Supply **
    • Repairs -> Repair **

** Charts -> measurements, cleanings, chemicals, supplies and repairs.


Public url: /

  • /now
  • /register
  • /login
  • /deactivate
  • /reactivate

API url: /api/v1/pool

  • /pools /add /update
  • /surfaces /add /update
  • /pumps /add /update
  • /timers /add /update
  • /timersettings /add /update
  • /heaters /add /update
  • /heatersettings /add /update
  • /measurements /add /update
  • /cleanings /add /update
  • /chemicals /add /update
  • /supplies /add /update
  • /repairs /add /update

Object Model

  • License(key)
  • Account(license, email, pin, activated, deactivated)
  • Pool(id, license, name, built, volume)
  • Surface(id, poolId, installed, kind)
  • Pump(id, poolId, installed, model)
  • Timer(id, poolId, installed, model)
  • TimerSetting(id, timerId, created, timeOn, timeOff)
  • Heater(id, poolId, installed, model)
  • HeaterSetting(id, heaterId, temp, dateOn, dateOff)
  • Measurement(id, poolId, measured, temp, totalHardness, totalChlorine, totalBromine, freeChlorine, ph, totalAlkalinity, cyanuricAcid)
  • Cleaning(id, poolId, cleaned, brush, net, vacuum, skimmerBasket, pumpBasket, pumpFilter, deck)
  • Chemical(id, poolId, added, chemical, amount, unit)
  • Supply(id, poolId, purchased, cost, supply, amount, unit)
  • Repair(id, poolId, repaired, cost, repair)
  • Email(id, license, address, processed, valid)
  • Fault(id, dateOf, timeOf, code, cause)

Relational Model

  • License
  • Account 1 ---> * Pool
  • Pool 1 ---> * Surface | Pump | Timer | Heater | Measurement | Cleaning | Chemical | Supply | Repair
  • Timer 1 ---> * TimerSetting
  • Heater 1 ---> * HeaterSetting
  • Email
  • Fault


Measured in ppm ( parts per million ).

Measurement Range Good Ideal
total chlorine (tc = fc + cc) 0 - 10 1 - 5 3
free chlorine (fc) 0 - 10 1 - 5 3
combinded chlorine (cc = tc - fc) 0.0 - 0.5 0.0 - 0.2 0.0
ph 6.2 - 8.4 7.2 - 7.6 7.4
calcium hardness 0 - 1000 250 - 500 375
total alkalinity 0 - 240 80 - 120 100
cyanuric acid 0 - 300 30 - 100 50
total bromine 0 - 20 2 - 10 5
salt 0 - 3600 2700 - 3400 3200
temperature 50 - 100 75 - 85 82

** Units of Measure - oz, gl, lb


  • Liquids measured in: gallons ( gl ) and liters ( l ).
  • Granules measured in: pounds ( lbs ) and kilograms ( kg ).
  1. LiquidChlorine ( gl/l )
  2. Trichlor ( tablet )
  3. Dichlor ( lbs/kg )
  4. CalciumHypochlorite ( lbs/kg )
  5. Stabilizer ( lbs/kg )
  6. Algaecide ( gl/l )
  7. MuriaticAcid ( gl/l )
  8. Salt ( lbs/kg )


  1. Chlorine for pool.
  2. Chlorine tablets for pool filtration system.
  3. Pool Shock


Suggested solutions to chemical imbalances.

  1. high ph - Sodium Bisulfate
  2. low ph - Sodium Carbonate, Soda Ash
  3. high alkalinity - Muriatic Acid, Sodium Bisulfate
  4. low alkalinity - Sodium Bicarbonate, Baking Soda
  5. calcium hardness - Calcium Chloride
  6. low chlorine - Chlorine Tablets, Granules, Liquid
  7. algae - Algaecide, Shock
  8. stains - Stain Identification Kit, Stain Remover


  • descriptions - cleanings, measurements
  • images - add, edit, chart


  1. measurements - line chart ( x = date, y = chemical )
  2. cleanings - line chart ( x = date, y = month )
  3. chemicals - bar chart ( x = date, y = amount, c = chemical )
  4. supplies - bar chart ( x = date, y = cost, c = item )
  5. repairs - line chart ( x = date, y = cost )


  1. Format: yyyy-MM-dd
  2. String: 1999-01-01, 1999-12-16
  3. Int: 19990101, 19991216


  1. Format: HH:mm
  2. String: 01:01, 19:14
  3. Int: 101, 1914


  1. conf:
    1. on osx intel: /usr/local/var/postgres/postgresql.conf : listen_addresses = ‘localhost’, port = 5432
    2. on osx m1: /opt/homebrew/var/postgres/postgresql.conf : listen_addresses = ‘localhost’, port = 5432
  2. build.sbt:
    1. IntegrationTest / javaOptions += "-Dquill.binds.log=true"
  3. run:
    1. brew services start postgresql
  4. logs:
    1. on osx intel: /usr/local/var/log/postgres.log
    2. on m1: /opt/homebrew/var/log/postgres.log


Example database url: postgresql://localhost:5432/pool?user=mycomputername&password='"

  1. psql postgres
  2. CREATE DATABASE pool OWNER [your computer name];
  3. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE pool TO [your computer name];
  4. \l
  5. \q
  6. psql pool
  7. \i ddl.sql
  8. \q


Alternatively run: psql -d pool -f ddl.sql ( see RouterTest )

  1. psql pool
  2. \i ddl.sql
  3. \q


  1. psql postgres
  2. drop database pool;
  3. \q


See these files:

  1. jvm/src/it/resources/test.server.conf
  2. jvm/src/main/resoures/server.conf


To eliminate unused ExecutionContext variable errors, this scalac option must be set in the build.sbt:

scalacOptions ++= Seq(

Quill macros use the implicit ExecutionContext. The Quill ctx.transaction code does not.


Copyright (c) [2022 - 2025] [Objektwerks]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


PWA Pool maintenance app using Akka-Http, Quill, uPickle, ScalaJs, Laminar, JoddMail and Postgresql.








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