simple tool for querying Tradeblock's Bitcoin tx history (and mempool history, see below) into .csv
sum block/tx size, sum txs, sum fees, and total blocks are available to be outputted at 1h, 2h, 6h, and 24h intervals with three column format:
timestamp(unix), value, excel converted date ("=(A1/24/60/60)+DATE(1970,1,1)")
Requires Go prog language (golang):
(simple windows executable may be available in future)
$ go run $GOPATH/Tradeblock-API-scraper/tbkcustom.go
follow prompts on console
requires Go (golang) distribution installed and is run through terminal on Linux or whatever you like on Win systems: MinGW, Win command prompt, git-bash, etc. I use git-bash.
version 0.32
- cleanup
- started work on win binary
version 0.31
- forking mempool scraper off into its own new repo
version 0.30
- both tbkcustNEW.go and tbkcustom.go have been updated with latest stable version
- excel counter fixed
- debugging messages pruned
- scanner and console instructions improved
version 0.21a
- available via tbkcustNEW.go
- ability to pull multiple record sets now working. Program will ask user for 'instances back' to run, each instance is 1000 values i.e. 4 instances back = 4000 records retrieved.
- minor bugs remain: excel counter needs fixed, debugging status output msgs need pruned, record set output order needs fixed
- rompt for user date now has a unix time epoch with current time
version 0.20a
- available via tbkcustNEW.go.
- adding ability to pull more than 1000 records at once (currently not working, DO NOT enter value >1 for 'instances back')
- fixing the date column so that it correctly outputs Excel formatted datestamp
- code cleanup so that not everything is in func main()