This repo contains the source materials for the Pivotal Cloud Foundry IPsec Add-on documentation.
master — Used for doc in development. Was made the same as v1.8 on December 11, 2017. Publishes to using the edge branch of the pivotal-cf/docs-book-ipsec book.
1.8 — Contains live docs for v1.8. Publishes to using the master branch of the pivotal-cf/docs-book-ipsec book.
1.7 — Contains live doc for v1.7.
1.6 — Contains live doc for v1.6. We plan to end-of-life product and docs in January 2018. No need to update this branch with cosmetic fixes.
1.5 — Contains end-of-life docs, soon to be removed from production. Don't update this v1.5 doc. However, don't delete the branch either.
Product name is IPsec Add-on for PCF. Notice that the "s" is lowercase.
It is okay to use "the IPsec add-on" for short after initial use of "IPsec Add-on for PCF" on the page.