A tiny example, which demonstrates how to setup EPMDLess with TLS support for Elixir. Please note that certificates are provided for demonstration only purposes. Please generate own certificates for production.
- mix deps.get
- mix compile
And now in terminal A do:
ERL_LIBS=_build/dev/lib/ EPMDLESS_DIST_PORT=17012 iex --cookie 123 --name "[email protected]" --erl "-proto_dist epmdless_proto" --erl "-start_epmd false" --erl "-epmd_module epmdless_client" -S mix
And in terminal B do:
ERL_LIBS=_build/dev/lib/ EPMDLESS_DIST_PORT=17013 iex --cookie 123 --name "[email protected]" --erl "-proto_dist epmdless_proto" --erl "-start_epmd false" --erl "-epmd_module epmdless_client" -S mix
Now after you have started two Elixir applications, you can connect them in the following way:
Go to terminal A and do:
iex([email protected])1> :epmdless_dist.add_node(:'[email protected]', 17013)
iex([email protected])2> :net_adm.ping(:'[email protected]')
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 1-Jul-2019::11:09:50 ===
supervisor: {local,inet_gethost_native_sup}
started: [{pid,<0.174.0>},{mfa,{inet_gethost_native,init,[[]]}}]
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 1-Jul-2019::11:09:50 ===
supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}
started: [{pid,<0.173.0>},
iex([email protected])3>
That's all.
Please check the configuration at vm.args. But technically after assembling the release with:
MIX_ENV=prod mix distillery.release
and running two nodes in the following way:
EPMDLESS_DIST_PORT=17013 REPLACE_OS_VARS=true NODE=a _build/prod/rel/epmdless_elixir_example/bin/epmdless_elixir_example console
EPMDLESS_DIST_PORT=17012 REPLACE_OS_VARS=true NODE=b _build/prod/rel/epmdless_elixir_example/bin/epmdless_elixir_example console
I was able to ping connect them together:
iex([email protected])1> :epmdless_dist.add_node(:'[email protected]', 17012)
iex([email protected])2> :net_adm.ping(:'[email protected]')
iex([email protected])3> Node.list
[:"[email protected]"]
Ot looks like it does not work without sys.config file written in Erlang style.