Allows to organize Erlang/Elixir node discovery using the information about nodes provided in config. Useful in cases when your Erlang/Elixir nodes can be started/re-started on different hosts, as it happens in Mesos.
{erlang_node_discovery, [
{db_callback, erlang_node_discovery_db},
% List of hosts where apps can be started
{hosts, ["host1.local", "host2.local", "host3.local"]},
% List of nodenames and their ports
{node_ports, [
{app1, 17012},
{app2, 17013},
{app3, 17113}
It might be useful for cases when you want to organize a service discovery and don't want to relay on standard distribution protocol. See more details about EPMDLESS here:
{ erlang_node_discovery, [
{db_callback, epmdless_dist},
{hosts, ["host1.local", "host2.local"]},
{node_ports, [
{'app1', 17012},
{'app2', 17013},
{'app3', 17015}
{cookie, app_cookie}