The content of this repository is now in one-touch-provisioning/otp-gitops repository.
- Red Hat OpenShift GitOps uses Argo CD, an open-source declarative tool, to maintain and reconcile cluster resources.
Install the OpenShift GitOps Operator and create a
.oc apply -f setup/ while ! oc wait crd --timeout=-1s --for=condition=Established 2>/dev/null; do sleep 30; done while ! oc wait pod --timeout=-1s --for=condition=Ready -l '!job-name' -n openshift-gitops > /dev/null; do sleep 30; done
Create a custom ArgoCD instance with custom checks
oc apply -k argocd-instance
Note: We use a custom openshift-gitops-repo-server image to enable the use of Plugins within OpenShift Gitops. This is required to allow RHACM to utilise the Policy Generator plugin. The Dockerfile can be found here:
If using IBM Cloud ROKS as a Hub Cluster, configure TLS.
Create a console link
export ROUTE_NAME=openshift-gitops-cntk-server export ROUTE_NAMESPACE=openshift-gitops export CONSOLE_LINK_URL="https://$(oc get route $ROUTE_NAME -o=jsonpath='{}' -n $ROUTE_NAMESPACE)" envsubst < <(cat setup/4_consolelink.yaml.envsubst) | oc apply -f -
Retrieve admin login details
echo $(oc get route -n openshift-gitops openshift-gitops-cntk-server -o template --template='https://{{}}') # Passsword is not needed if Log In via OpenShift is used (default) oc extract secrets/openshift-gitops-cntk-cluster --keys=admin.password -n openshift-gitops --to=-