DIDI-SSI-Identity-Issuer is the tool responsible of relay identity information from ai·di users to VU Security. Once the data is validated by VU Security, the information obtained from the analysis is forwarded to a DIDI trusted issuer that porcess this data and emits the corresponding credentials. It is developed in Node.js and Express.js. Uses MongoDB as database.
- Install Node.js version 16.8.0
Clone the repository and install dependencies
Create .env file in the root of the project, filling in the corresponding data.
Build and run the project
Run Tests
To run the complete integration test, create a file inside the __tests__/integrations folder called vuUserInfoTest, and delete the 'integral' file from the array modulePathIgnorePatterns in the file jest.config.js line 92.
Complete the file vuUserInfoTest with the corresponding data:
- newOperationData must contain the following parameters:
newOperationData: {
did: 'did:ethr:0x000',
userName: 'userPrueba',
ipAddress: '',
deviceHash: 'hash',
rooted: false,
applicationVersion: '1.0.0',
operativeSystem: 'console test',
operativeSystemVersion: '11',
deviceManufacturer: 'Apple',
deviceName: 'Iphone',
- jwtAuth must contains a token with the DID.
- fileFront must contain the image of the front of the identification in base64
- fileBack must contain the image of the back of the identification in base64
- fileBack must contain the selfie image in base64