The software repository for our solar simulator for testing 1U solar panels Hardware Repo
The OreSat Solar Simulator is a benchtop simulator for hardware-in-the-loop testing of CubeSat solar modules. It uses LED and halogen light bulbs to emit light that simulates the sun's solar spectrum in low Earth orbit (Air Mass 0 or 'AM0').
The work for this was done as an MCECS Capstone Project from January to June of 2023 by Bendjy Faurestal, Adam Martinez, Cesar Ordaz-Coronel, and Charles Nasser. Andrew Greenberg was both representing PSAS as the Industry Sponsor and the Faculty Advisor to the students.
The software consists of a hub and client modules, both written in Python3.9. The hub utilizes the Basilisk Simulation Framework to determine which sides of the CubeSat would be exposed to light and transmits that data to the client simulators to drive their light output by a WebSocket connection.
- Python Socketio
- Adafruit Python ADS1X15
- Adafruit Python MCP4728
- Adafruit-Blinka
- Adafruit-BBIO
- python-argparse
participant Basilisk
participant Basilisk
participant Server
participant Client
participant Sensors
Client-)Server: Set client_id
loop ping_in_interval
Basilisk->>Server: Positional data
Server->>+Client: set_pwm
Sensors->>Client: sensor data
Client->>-Server: sensor data
Server->>Server: Verify safe values
All materials in this repo are copyright Portland State Aerospace Society and are licensed under the CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly Reciprocal (CERN-OHL-S v2) and the GNU General Public License v3.0, or any later versions. A copy of the license is located in here.