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This repo contains the website: It is generated with Hugo. Hugo is a static website generator. The (Hugo) content is developed in and hosted by GitHub.

Quickstart - Running locally

Install Hugo for your system, see:

git clone git
cd git  
hugo server -D -w  

How the site works

Global setup is as follows:

  • Website (Hugo-) content is maintained in the default main branch.
  • The generated (static) HTML website is published in the gh-pages branch.
  • On push/commit to the main branch a the GitHub Action publish.yml will build and publish the website.
  • Through a CNAME in DNS and the root of gh-pages the domain name is resolved to the GitHub deployment (in gh-pages).
  • SSL certificates are generated through GitHub (who uses Let's Encrypt)
  • So no need to ever commit/push directly to the gh-pages branch!

Maintaining and Contributing

We love receiving updates. You see a mistake? Open an issue or create a Pull Request (PR).

This is how to make changes yourself.

  • clone the GitHub repo: git clone git
  • make changes, commit and push
  • on any commit the GitHub Workflow publish.yml will run
  • site is then (re-)published on gh-pages branch in GitHub repo

Test locally first:

  • have Hugo installed locally
  • hugo server -D -w
  • In browser, visit the site at http://localhost:1313 (or whatever address printed out by Hugo in the command line)
  • push changes to GitHub with comments, e.g. ./ comments

First time contributors: best is to submit Pull Requests. Regular maintainers familiar with the site, will push directly to main.

Home page

Is at content/home/

Nieuws en posts

Posts is in feite een blog. Volg deze conventies om een nieuwe Post te maken:

  • maak Markdown text bestand aan onder content/posts, gemakkelijkst is copie van laatste Post
  • de naam van bestand moet beginnen met omgekeerde datum in deze conventie: YYYY-MM-DD-<postnaam>.md bijv.

De 'kop' van het bestand moet 'meta-data' bevatten met begin-eind door ---, hier voorbeeld:

title: 'Nieuw bestuur Stichting'
author: Niene Boeijen
type: post
date: 2023-08-01T19:47:39+00:00
url: /2023/08/nieuw-bestuur-osgeo-nl/
featured_image: /photos/2023/bestuur.jpeg
  - Actueel
  - Nieuws
  - osgeo
  - Bestuur
  - osgeonl


Zie compleet voorbeeld deze post: content/posts/ date: is publicatie datum, kan in theorie in toekomst zitten.

Adding photos

To include photos in your post or other content:

  1. Upload to static/photos in the current year
  2. Add in document as ![altname](/photos/year/filename.jpg)

For reference: DNS and GitHub Custom Domain

Just for reference:

  • also define AAAA records in Hoster DNS.

  • in root of gh-pages branch the file CNAME contains

History: Migration from WP

This website was migrated from Wordpress in 2022. After that some big cleanup in march 2024. Below some info for reference.


Followed steps from last link:

  • backup WP and MySQL
  • install the SchumacherFM/wordpress-to-hugo-exporter plugin.
  • v2.0.1
  • Go to your WordPress, Plugins > Add New
  • Pick Upload Plugin and choose the ZIP file you just downloaded
  • Activate the plugin after installation
  • Once the plugin is installed, you can try to go to Tools > Export to Hugo. That page might take a while to load.

Using the Hugo Clarity Theme.

Added GitHub Workflows, hosting on GitHub.

Now maintaining the site is a breeze!