This is an opinionated Composable Starter Kit to help kick-start development of your next npm package. Whether it's simply one or a library of composables, this starter kit will help you get started quickly.
Luckily, it's incredibly easy to get your package development started:
# you may use this GitHub template or the following command:
npx degit openwebstacks/composable-starter dummy-composable
cd dummy-composable
# if you don't have pnpm installed, run `npm i -g pnpm`
pnpm i # install all deps
pnpm build # builds the library for production-ready use
# how to create a git commit?
git add . # select the changes you want to commit
pnpm run commit # then simply answer the questions
# after you have successfully committed, you may create a "release"
pnpm run release # automates git commits, versioning, and changelog generations
This Starter Kit comes pre-configured with the following:
- Powerful Build Engine - via unbuild
- Treeshakeable by design
- Fully Typed APIs - via TypeScript 4.7
- Be a Good Commitizen - pre-configured Commitizen & git-cz setup to simplify semantic git commits, versioning, and changelog generations
- Test Driven Development - unit-testing powered by Vitest
- Renovate - optimized & automated PR dependency updates
- GitHub Actions - runs your CI (fixes code style issues, tags releases & creates its changelogs, runs the test suite, etc.
pnpm test
Please see our releases page for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit from being searchable:
For casual chit-chat with others using this package:
Join the Open Web Discord Server
The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.
Made with β€οΈ