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What is this?

This is a PagoPA microservice that handles scheduled retry mechanism for the eCommerce product.

Environment variables

These are all environment variables needed by the application:

Variable name Description type default
MONGO_HOST Host where MongoDB instance used to persise events and view resides string
MONGO_USERNAME Username used for connecting to MongoDB instance string
MONGO_PASSWORD Password used for connecting to MongoDB instance string
MONGO_PORT Port used for connecting to MongoDB instance number
MONGO_SSL_ENABLED Boolean value indicating if use SSL for connecting to MongoDB instance boolean
MONGO_PORT Port used for connecting to MongoDB instance string
MONGO_MIN_POOL_SIZE Min amount of connections to be retained into connection pool. See docs * string
MONGO_MAX_POOL_SIZE Max amount of connections to be retained into connection pool.See docs * string
MONGO_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS Max timeout after which an idle connection is killed in milliseconds. See docs * string
MONGO_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS Max time to wait for a connection to be opened. See docs * string
MONGO_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS Max time to wait for a command send or receive before timing out. See docs * string
MONGO_SERVER_SELECTION_TIMEOUT_MS Max time to wait for a server to be selected while performing a communication with Mongo in milliseconds. See docs * string
MONGO_WAITING_QUEUE_MS Max time a thread has to wait for a connection to be available in milliseconds. See docs * string
MONGO_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_MS Hearth beat frequency in milliseconds. This is an hello command that is sent periodically on each active connection to perform an health check. See docs * string
REDIS_HOST Host where the redis instance used to persist idempotency keys can be found string
REDIS_PASSWORD Password used for connecting to Redis instance string
PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_GATEWAY_URI Payment transactions gateway service connection URI string
PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_GATEWAY_READ_TIMEOUT Timeout for requests towards Payment transactions gateway service number
PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_GATEWAY_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Timeout for establishing connections towards Payment transactions gateway service number
NODO_URI Nodo connection URI string
NODO_READ_TIMEOUT Timeout for requests towards Nodo number
NODO_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Timeout for establishing connections towards Nodo number
NODO_ECOMMERCE_CLIENT_ID ecommerce clientId used for closepayment string
QUEUE_TRANSIENT_CONNECTION_STRING eCommerce storage transient connection string string
ECOMMERCE_STORAGE_TRANSIENT_QUEUE_KEY eCommerce storage transient account access key string
ECOMMERCE_STORAGE_TRANSIENT_QUEUE_ACCOUNT_NAME eCommerce storage transient account name string
ECOMMERCE_STORAGE_TRANSIENT_QUEUE_ENDPOINT eCommerce storage transient account queue endpoint string
QUEUE_DEADLETTER_CONNECTION_STRING eCommerce storage deadletter connection string string
TRANSACTIONS_CLOSE_PAYMENT_RETRY_QUEUE_NAME Queue name for closure events scheduled for retries string
TRANSACTIONS_CLOSE_PAYMENT_QUEUE_NAME Queue name for closure events scheduled string
TRANSACTIONS_NOTIFICATIONS_RETRY_QUEUE_NAME Queue name for notification events scheduled for retries string
TRANSACTIONS_NOTIFICATIONS_QUEUE_NAME Queue name for notifications events scheduler string
TRANSACTIONS_EXPIRATION_QUEUE_NAME Queue name for all events scheduled for expiration string
TRANSACTIONS_REFUND_QUEUE_NAME Queue name for refund scheduled string
TRANSACTIONS_REFUND_RETRY_QUEUE_NAME Queue name for refund scheduler for retries string
TRANSACTIONS_DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE_NAME Queue name were event that cannot be processed successfully are forwarded string
TRANSACTIONS_AUTHORIZATION_REQUESTED_QUEUE_NAME Queue name for payment gateway authorization requested transactions string
TRANSACTIONS_AUTHORIZATION_OUTCOME_WAITING_QUEUE_NAME Queue name for payment gateway authorization requested retry transactions string
TRANSIENT_QUEUES_TTL_SECONDS TTL to be used when sending events on transient queues number 7 days
DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE_TTL_SECONDS TTL to be used when sending events on dead letter queues number -1 (infinite)
QUEUE_CONNECTION_STRING Queue connection string used by event producers string
NOTIFICATIONS_SERVICE_URI Notification service URI string
NOTIFICATIONS_SERVICE_READ_TIMEOUT Notification service HTTP read timeout integer
NOTIFICATIONS_SERVICE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Notification service HTTP connection timeout integer
NOTIFICATIONS_SERVICE_API_KEY Notification service API key string
TRANSACTIONS_SERVICE_URI Transaction service URI string
TRANSACTIONS_SERVICE_READ_TIMEOUT Transaction service HTTP read timeout integer
TRANSACTIONS_SERVICE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Transaction service HTTP connection timeout integer
TRANSACTIONS_SERVICE_API_KEY Transaction service API key string
ECOMMERCE_PERSONAL_DATA_VAULT_API_KEY eCommerce Personal data vault API key string
WALLET_SESSION_PERSONAL_DATA_VAULT_API_KEY Wallet session Personal data vault API key string
PERSONAL_DATA_VAULT_API_BASE_PATH Persona data vault API base path string
REFUND_RETRY_EVENT_BASE_INTERVAL_SECONDS Base interval used to calculate visibility for next retries refund event integer
REFUND_RETRY_EVENT_MAX_ATTEMPTS Max attempts to be performed for refund integer
CLOSE_PAYMENT_RETRY_EVENT_BASE_INTERVAL_SECONDS Base interval used to calculate visibility for next retried closure event integer
CLOSE_PAYMENT_RETRY_EVENT_MAX_ATTEMPTS Max attempts to be performed for close payment integer
CLOSE_PAYMENT_RETRY_EVENT_PAYMENT_TOKEN_VALIDITY_TIME_OFFSET Configurable offset (in seconds) that will be taken in account for payment token validity time vs retry event visibility timeout check integer 10 sec
NOTIFICATION_RETRY_EVENT_BASE_INTERVAL_SECONDS Base interval used to calculate visibility for next retried notification event integer
NOTIFICATION_RETRY_EVENT_MAX_ATTEMPTS Max attempts to be performed for notification integer
SEND_PAYMENT_RESULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS Max time (in seconds) to be awaited for the sendPaymentResult callback (POST /user-receipts on transactions-service) to be received for a given transaction integer
SEND_PAYMENT_RESULT_EXPIRATION_OFFSET_SECONDS Offset to SEND_PAYMENT_RESULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS. Transactions that are stuck in CLOSED status for which an OK response has been received by Nodo after (SEND_PAYMENT_RESULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS - SEND_PAYMENT_RESULT_EXPIRATION_OFFSET_SECONDS) are considered expired. integer
NPG_URI NPG service URI string
NPG_READ_TIMEOUT NPG service HTTP read timeout integer
NPG_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT NPG service HTTP connection timeout integer
NPG_API_KEY NPG service api-key string
NPG_CARDS_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request string
NPG_CARDS_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_CARDS_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
REDIS_STREAM_EVENT_CONTROLLER_STREAM_KEY Redis stream streaming key where event receiver controller commands will be write/read string
REDIS_STREAM_EVENT_CONTROLLER_CONSUMER_GROUP_PREFIX Redis event receiver controller commands stream consumer group string
REDIS_STREAM_EVENT_CONTROLLER_CONSUMER_NAME_PREFIX Redis event receiver controller commands stream consumer name string
EVENT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_POLLING_CHRON Chron used to scheduler event receivers status polling string
AUTHORIZATION_OUTCOME_FIRST_ATTEMPT_DELAY_SECONDS Delay to trigger first get state attempt vs NPG for those NPG transactions blocked in AuthorizationRequested status integer
AUTHORIZATION_OUTCOME_WAITING_EVENT_BASE_INTERVAL_SECONDS Base interval used to calculate visibility for next payment gateway auth state request event integer
AUTHORIZATION_OUTCOME_WAITING_EVENT_MAX_ATTEMPTS Max attempts to be performed for payment gateway auth state request integer
AUTHORIZATION_OUTCOME_WAITING_EVENT_PAYMENT_TOKEN_VALIDITY_TIME_OFFSET_SECONDS The offset time to be considered when evaluating the payment token validity time remaining integer 10 sec
NODE_FORWARDER_URL Node forwarder backend URL string
NODE_FORWARDER_READ_TIMEOUT Node forwarder HTTP api call read timeout in milliseconds integer
NODE_FORWARDER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Node forwarder HTTP api call connection timeout in milliseconds integer
REDIRECT_PAYMENT_TYPE_CODES List of all redirect payment type codes that are expected to be present in other redirect configurations such as REDIRECT_URL_MAPPING (used for configuration cross validation) string
NODE_FORWARDER_API_KEY Node forwarder api key string
REDIRECT_URL_MAPPING Key-value string map PSP to backend URI mapping that will be used for Redirect payments string
NPG_PAYPAL_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM PAYPAL payment method string
NPG_PAYPAL_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_PAYPAL_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
NPG_BANCOMATPAY_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM Bancomat pay payment method string
NPG_BANCOMATPAY_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_BANCOMATPAY_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
NPG_MYBANK_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM My bank payment method string
NPG_MYBANK_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_MYBANK_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
NPG_SATISPAY_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM Satispay payment method string
NPG_SATISPAY_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_SATISPAY_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
NPG_APPLEPAY_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM Apple pay payment method string
NPG_APPLEPAY_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_APPLEPAY_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
DEPLOYMENT_VERSION Env property used to identify deployment version (STAGING/PROD) string PROD
NPG_REFUND_DELAY_FROM_AUTH_REQUEST_MINUTES Time to be waited, in minutes, before initializing refund process for NPG transaction starting from the authorization request date integer
USER_STATS_URL UserStats backend URL string
USER_STATS_READ_TIMEOUT UserStats HTTP api call read timeout in milliseconds integer
USER_STATS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT UserStats HTTP api call connection timeout in milliseconds integer
USER_STATS_API_KEY UserStats api key string
USER_STATS_SERVICE_ENABLE_SAVE_LAST_USAGE Feature flag used to enable save last usage functionality boolean true
NPG_REFUND_EVENT_PROCESSING_DELAY_SECONDS Time to be waited, in seconds, before trying to process a refund operation from the queue integer

An example configuration of these environment variables is in the .env.example file.

(*): for Mongo connection string options see docs

Run the application with Docker

Create your environment typing :

cp .env.example .env

Then from current project directory run :

docker-compose up

Run the application with springboot-plugin

Create your environment:

export $(grep -v '^#' .env.local | xargs)

Then from current project directory run :

mvn spring-boot:run

Note that with this method you would also need an active Redis instance on your local machine. We suggest you to use the ecommerce-local instead.

Code formatting

Code formatting checks are automatically performed during build phase. If the code is not well formatted an error is raised blocking the maven build.

Helpful commands:

mvn spotless:check # --> used to perform format checks
mvn spotless:apply # --> used to format all misformatted files


Repo has Github workflow and actions that trigger Azure devops deploy pipeline once a PR is merged on main branch.

In order to properly set version bump parameters for call Azure devops deploy pipelines will be check for the following tags presence during PR analysis:

Tag Semantic versioning scope Meaning
patch Application version Patch-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version
minor Application version Minor-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version
major Application version Major-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version
ignore-for-release Application version Ignore application version bump
chart-patch Chart version Patch-bump Chart version
chart-minor Chart version Minor-bump Chart version
chart-major Chart version Major-bump Chart version
skip-release Any The release will be skipped altogether

For the check to be successfully passed only one of the Application version labels and only ones of the Chart version labels must be contemporary present for a given PR or the skip-release for skipping release step

Dead lettering

This microservice has a built-in logic that write events to dead letter queue. This dead letter queue is used to store all events that cannot be processed by this microservice. There are common scenarios for which an event can be written to a dead letter queue:

  1. syntactically incorrect input event
  2. unhandled exception raised during event processing
  3. retry attempt exhaustion for a refund retry event or refund process interruption (because of blocking error codes as HTTP 400 for which a retry has no meaning)
  4. retry attempt exhaustion for sending user notification (mail)


Since an event can be written to dead letter queue for multiple reasons (see above) there is a mechanism that, contextually to dead letter event writing to dead letter queue, creates an OpenTelemetry span that is used to display an overall dead letter queue event dashboard. This span has the following fields:

field key description mandatory
deadLetterEvent.serviceName Constant value pagopa-ecommerce-event-dispatcher-service, used to uniquely identify this microservice as event writer
deadLetterEvent.category Enumeration of all possible errors that can make an event to be written to dead letter (see Error category section)
deadLetterEvent.transactionId Transaction id of the input event (if the input event is parsable)
deadLetterEvent.transactionEventCode Transaction event code of the input event (if the input event is parsable)

Error category

Error code Description
SEND_PAYMENT_RESULT_RECEIVING_TIMEOUT Transaction is stuck in CLOSED status and a sendPaymentResult has not been received before the SEND_PAYMENT_RESULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS timeout
RETRY_EVENT_NO_ATTEMPT_LEFT All retry for perform a retry event have been exhausted
EVENT_PARSING_ERROR Input event is not formally valid
PROCESSING_ERROR Unhandled error processing the event

Event receiver controller

This module is essentially an asynchronous event processor.

Many processed events have a visibility timeout set to make transactions event to be process after a certain delay (such as retry event, transaction expiration event and so on).

This makes difficult to predict when an event will be visible on the queue to be processed.

One other important aspect to take into account is the fact that module undeploy will not consider in-flight event:

module shutdown can happen when the module is in the middle of an event processing, with the possible consequence of a broken transaction history (transaction locked in a middle event)

In order to avoid such situations an event receiver locker mechanism has been implemented using Redis Stream as fun-out mechanism: a group of api are directly exposed by this module and, based on request input, can initiate an event receiver orderly shutdown.

All event receivers will then complete their processing but no new event will be taken from the queues.

After all pending event processing have been completed, the deployment can be executed with the assurance that no event processing will be stopped in the middle of its execution.

After new version have been deployed successfully, event receiver can be start again with the same api used to stop them.

WATCH OUT!!!! Event receivers will not be restarted automatically once module have been deployed but has to be restarted manually.

This has been done on purpose to handle deployment rollout and avoid restarting event consumers for an old POD for which rollout phase has not been taken into account yet.

There is a postman with api request pre-configured to start/stop consumers and to query their statuses (UP, DOWN, UNKNOWN)

The collection is stored into this repo at -> command-postman-collection/commands.postman_collection.json