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This is project uses PatternFly and Next.js to build a CI Dashboard for monitoring build status.

Getting Started

To get started you will need to have node.js version 20.0.0 or higher installed on your machine. You can download node.js here.

After installing node.js you should enable corepack by running corpack enable in your terminal.

Building and development

The following commands can be run in the root of the project:

yarn install # Install dependencies

yarn start # Runs the development server

yarn build # Builds the app for production

yarn lint # Lints the code

Environment Variables

In order to run the app you will need to create a .env.local file in the root of the project and add the following environment variables:

GH_TOKEN= # Github token for accessing the Github API

To get a Github token you can follow the instructions here.

Github Repositiories

Currently the github repositories are hardcoded in the app/ReleaseStatusTable.tsx file. In the future this will be moved to a configuration file (e.g. environment variable).

After starting the development server. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.