VVVote is an online voting system which provides the following features:
- The votes are anonymous. That means, no one can find out which vote came from which voter - except the voter himself. Even the admin of the voting server cannot do this matching.
- The whole process is transparent: every voter can verify that: (a) all votes are unchanged, (b) his vote is counted, (c) only votes from entitled users are accepted.
The system does not provide secrecy in the following meaning: It cannot ensure that no one looks over the voter's shoulder when voting. And that there is a way for a voter to prove how he decided to vote.
For a graphical (UML) description of the anonymizing protocol see https://stackedit.io/viewer#!url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pfefffer/vvvote/master/doc/protocol/protocol.md
For a more an explanation and discussion (for not mathematicion people) in German see https://github.com/pfefffer/vvvote/blob/master/doc/Beschreibung%20des%20Anonymisierungsverfahrens.md
Installation instructions: https://github.com/pfefffer/vvvote/blob/master/doc/install.md