Install Yarn if you don't have it yet!
Once Yarn is installed run yarn install
(or just yarn
And that's it! 😎
"deploy": "yarn run build-css-release && yarn run build-fonts && yarn run build-js-release && yarn run optimize-images-release && yarn run build-svg && yarn run build-html && yarn run deploy-files",
"build": "yarn run build-css-release && yarn run build-fonts && yarn run build-js-release && yarn run optimize-images-release && yarn run build-svg && yarn run build-html",
"build-with-inject": "yarn run build-css-release && yarn run build-js-release && yarn run optimize-images-release && yarn run build-svg && yarn run build-html && yarn run critical-css && yarn run inject-css",
"build-css": "gulp postcss --lint true --production false",
"build-css-nolint": "gulp postcss --lint false --production false",
"build-css-release": "gulp postcss --lint true --production true",
"build-js": "gulp webpack --lint true --production false",
"build-js-nolint": "gulp webpack --lint false --production false",
"build-js-release": "gulp webpack --lint true --production true",
"build-svg": "gulp svg",
"build-fonts": "gulp fonts",
"build-html": "gulp pug",
"deploy-files": "gulp deploy",
"critical-css": "gulp critical",
"inject-css": "gulp inject",
"optimize-images": "gulp imagemin --production false",
"optimize-images-release": "gulp imagemin --production true",
"start": "yarn run build-css && yarn run build-js && gulp start",
"watch": "gulp watch",
"lint": "eslint src/js/**/*.js && stylelint src/css/**/*.pcss"
To build the project just run yarn build
To start the project on localhost (only static version) just run yarn start
Size: 256x256 (viewbox)
Always use presentation attributes and not styles!
No clip paths!
Add -keepfill
postfix to keep fill rules (e.g. coloring)!