The GPL v3 license applies to the code in this repository.
The data is not included in this repository. Rather, it is accessed via the public API. This data is under a CC BY-SA license (and not GPL v3). Amongst other things, this license requires attribution when using the data.
sweet pinballin' brah
This repo is the codebase for The code for the Pinball Map mobile app is here. If you have an app issue, please use that repo.
Available here:
- Fork it on Github. Then:
git clone{you}/pbm.git
git remote add upstream git://
Install the correct ruby version
Install dependencies
bundle install
selenium install
brew update
- Install and configure the database
- Download Postgres App.
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
to create your database.yml for developmentbrew install postgresql
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
CREATEDB pbm_dev
bin/rake db:create ; RAILS_ENV=test bin/rake db:create
bin/rake db:migrate ; RAILS_ENV=test bin/rake db:migrate
bin/rails create_developer_account
# creates user:[email protected]
with passwordexample
- Run the development server
bin/rails s
- Run the tests
bundle exec rspec
Run tests: bundle exec rspec
- Run the debug server
- Start server:
- Install VSCode command line tools via command palette. From the VSCode top Menu:
View | Command Palette
then search for:Shell Command: Install 'code' command in path
- Attach via VSCode debugger and set breakpoints
- Get a database dump.
If the site loads properly it will be an empty version of A database dump can be obtained from this repo.
psql -U username -d pbm_dev < pbm_db_scrubbed.sql
- Fork it. Then:
git remote add upstream git://
Install postgresql.
Setup postgres:
- createuser --interactive
- createdb pbm_dev
- Install the correct ruby version
gem install bundler
bundle install
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
to create your database.yml for developmentbin/rake db:create ; RAILS_ENV=test bin/rake db:create
bin/rake db:migrate ; RAILS_ENV=test bin/rake db:migrate
- Get a database dump
A database dump can be obtained from this repo.
psql -U username -d pbm_dev < pbm_db_scrubbed.sql
bin/rails create_developer_account
# creates user:[email protected]
with passwordexample
Start server: bin/rails s
Run tests: bundle exec rspec
- Docker >= v1.12.0+
- Docker-Compose (comes with Docker for Mac. Separate install on Linux)
- Optional: direnv or some other way to source environment variables to override default ports in case of conflict
- Run
docker-compose up -d
to start containers - Navigate to
(either specified, or defaults to3000
) - Bring down containers with
docker-compose down
- By default, the database will keep its state as a docker volume. If you want to start fresh, run
docker-compose down -v
to destroy the volume. The next time you bring up this docker-compose file,db:create
will re-populate the database.
- By default, the database will keep its state as a docker volume. If you want to start fresh, run
If you just want to run postgres in a container and use your local filesystem for running Rails, you can use the postgres only compose file.
- Run
docker-compose -f docker-compose.postgres.yml up -d
- If first time running, run
bin/rake db:create db:migrate
to populate the postgres container. - Bring down containers with
docker-compose -f docker-compose.postgres.yml down
- By default, the database will keep its state as a docker volume. If you want to start fresh, run
docker-compose -f docker-compose.postgres.yml down -v
to destroy the volume.
- By default, the database will keep its state as a docker volume. If you want to start fresh, run