This is a programming game. Here you can define the behaviour of autonomous submarines. The submarines fight against each other in teams or alone with torpedos and mines. The world is 3d and is based on simple physics. To define a submarine behavior the object oriented programming language python is used. Its up to you if they are smart enough to survive.
The goal is to create a submarine that is alive at last.
- Easy to implement new submarines using python (link)
- Easy to set up new behavior by using predefined commands (link)
- Easy to implement completely new commands using python (link)
- Three dimensional environment
- Physics based environment
Detailed information about user interface, running modes and submarine creating can be found in manual.pdf.
The reference documentation is at html documentation.
- install python 3.10
- install prebuild qt 5.12
- build boost.python
- add in environment:
PYTHON_ROOT=<path to installed python root folder>
) - open x64 native tools command prompt from Visual Studio 2022
- go to boost root folder in repository
- call
- call
b2.exe toolset=msvc-14.3 address-model=64 link=shared --with-python -j8
- add in environment:
- open
solution in Visual Studio 2022 and build
Version 0.4.7b (2022/08/07)
- new world with active rocks
- switched to most current python (3.10.5)
- built as 64 bit application
- some bugs removed
Version 0.4.6b (2007/01/02)
- new example submarine
- some bugs removed
Version 0.4.5b (2006/09/24)
- new weapons: magnetic mine, passive sonar guided torpedo
- example submarines now uses faster rotation and move commands
- threads can now be used within python
- several major and minor bugs removed
Version 0.4.0b (2006/01/21)
- commands can be implemented in python
- new example submarine
- reference documentation improved
- several minor bugs removed
Version 0.3.1b (2005/11/26)
- serious bug regarding to collision detection fixed
- pylib subfolder introduced that contains useful common python code
Version 0.3.0b (2005/09/02)
- new equipment added: passive sonar
- visualization improved
- new example submarines
- performance improved
- some bugs were fixed
Version 0.2.0b (2005/07/29)
- new equipment added: map
- new silent mode added which has no graphical output
- replaying of battles is now possible
- weapon batteries can now be recharged on weapon supplies
- new basic commands are available: repeat, push, pop
- performance improved
- some bugs were fixed
Version 0.1.0b (2005/05/22)
- Initial release
See for more detailed description.
- Restarting a new battle that contains submarines which uses graphical user interface environment (tkinter) works not properly.
- Replaying long battle records takes very long loading time.
- When a battle is stopped, not all memory is freed.
- Cause of beeing able to create references to itself (e.g. by holding self in member variable of submarine) circular references could be created. This leads to memory leaks.
- Restarting a new battle prints out lots of warning messages in console window like "RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for XXX already registered; second conversion method ignored."
Copyright (c) 2005-2022 Andreas Rose. All rights reserved.
Released under the MIT license. (see license.txt)
For detailed copyright notification see CopyrightNotifications.txt.