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Compile with javac -d . src/deadwood/*.java src/deadwood/board/*.java src/deadwood/xml/*.java
Run with java deadwood.Deadwood
- whoami: lists info about player
- where: tells you where all players are
- move [location]: moves to the specified location if able
- scene: lists info about the scene card at the current tile, if the current tile has one.
- work [role]: Player states their intention to work a role
- act: Player acts the role
- rehearse: Player rehearses the role
- upgrade: if at casting office, allows the user to upgrade to a higher level
- end: end your turn
- Trailers
- Main Street
- Saloon
- Casting Office
- Ranch
- Secret Hideout
- Bank
- Church
- Hotel
- Train Station
- Jail
- General Store