Movie Booking and Recommendation Website
I built this web application in my sophomore year under Winter Project competition organized by AASF (programming club of the institute). At the end of the competition I secured rank 1 out of the 50+ participants.
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB Atlas
- EJS templating engine
- Bootstrap and CSS
Their are two access-views of the website :
User View
Explore and Book Movies. View History, generate Invoice. Explore available seats and Book available ones.
Admin View This view is protected by authentication using passport.js use the mentioned Username and password to access the admin view.
Username: admin Password: admin
In this view their are multiple admin-side features :
Screening Movies: View, Edit and Delete currently screening movies or Add new movies for screenings.
Manange Screen: Assign Auditorium to movies, based on available slots. Their are 4 slots for now.
Manage movies: Add new movies, update existing. Can also search and add latest movies, it utilizes OMDB API to fetch and add new movies.
Main Landing Page Seat Booking Page Manage Movies Here Allot Auditorium View History and Generate Invoice
- Clone the repository to your local machine using git clone using
- Run
npm install
to install all the packages and dependencies - Create a .env file, add the MONGODB_API path corresponding to your MongoDB atlas account in the file. A .env.sample file is provided.
I am Computer Science Undergrad from IIIT Gwalior. Former intern at GoJek, passionate dev and tech enthusiast. I keep myself involved in building stuff and experimenting with new things. Do checkout my portfolio and connect with me on LinkedIn.
- Portfolio :
- LinkedIn