Removed Dependency of AdditonalTags
Plugin for redmine. Allows you to open access to a specific task in read mode for an anonymous user
- No need to create any user accounts for anonymous user
- Creating different passwords for the same issue
- Specify access expiration time
How does it look from the side of an anonymous user who does not have a password or is incorrect and which has the correct password.
With an easter egg in the form of a change of Ava with each download. Refresh the page.
How it looks inside Redmine
A copy of the plugin can be downloaded from GitHub
To install the plugin clone the repo from github and migrate the database:
$ git clone plugins/redmine_ishare
$ bundle config set --local without 'development test'
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_ishare
To uninstall the plugin migrate the database back and remove the plugin:
$ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_ishare VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production
$ rm -rf plugins/redmine_ishare public/plugin_assets/redmine_ishare
Further information about plugin installation can be found at:
What the plugin currently does:
Functionality out of the box
Example: /ishare/555
When accessing which, access rights to the task are checked, and whether authentication is required basically.
По аналогии для доступа
по паролю
сделан путь вида
Example: /ishare/555
By analogy, for access
by password
, a path of the form
In order to create access by password, you need to::
A table of existing accesses is displayed at the top. which contains the following information:
First column:
- Access creation time
- Who created the access (clickable link to the user)
- How long will this password be valid for?
Second column
- The password itself is 10 characters
Third column
- Comment. Brief note. For example, for what/whom the access was granted
For convenience, when opening the form, a random password is automatically generated so as not to suffer the throes of a "creative password". But if you wish, you can specify your own, in a simpler way, for example 123445 =)
The latest version of this plugin tested on Redmine 4.2.x.
Tests in different environments were not conducted. The plugin was written for such an environment:
Environment: Redmine version 4.2.8.stable Ruby version 2.7.6-p219 (2022-04-12) [x86_64-linux] Rails version Database adapter Mysql2
Should work, but not the fact =)
| Redmine
version | >= 4.2.0 |
| Ruby
_ version | >= 2.7 |
| Database version | MySQL >= 5.7 or PostgreSQL >= 9.6 |
This plugin is licensed under the GPL license. See LICENSE-file for details.
Copyright (c) 2022 Bocharov-MS