Version 0.19.0
Upgrade guide.
This version has a runtime dependency on Riiif, which you must provide by adding the riiif
into your Gemfile
gem 'riiif', '~> 0.4.0'
Then run bundle install
If you wish to take advantage of Riiif's features (supplying a IIIF endpoint for uploaded files) you must additionally add this line to config/routes.rb
mount Riiif::Engine => '/images', as: 'riiif'
And add a file config/initializers/riiif.rb
with the following contents:
Riiif::Image.file_resolver =
# Riiif::Image.authorization_service = IIIFAuthorizationService
# Riiif.not_found_image = 'app/assets/images/us_404.svg'
Riiif::Engine.config.cache_duration_in_days = 365