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Maven GitHub

Adrian Wilke edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 2 revisions

Note: For Maven, we're using Maven-AKSW instead of GitHub.

GitHub Maven Repository: Configuration steps for OPAL

Using existing packages

Currently, a manual download and installation of packages at GitHub is needed. That is described in the OPAL common README and Maven: Guide to installing 3rd party JARs.

Publishing at GitHub Maven Repository

1. Authentication

Use the information in the GitHub article Creating a personal access token for the command line to create a token at GitHub settings: tokens. You need to set the read:packages and write:packages scopes. You can copy the token only one time, directly after generation.

2. Add the repository to your system

Edit the file ~/.m2/settings.xml and insert the code below.
Replace TOKEN with the data from the step above and replace also USERNAME with your GitHub username.

<settings xmlns=""


          <name>GitHub projekt-opal Apache Maven Packages</name>


3. Configure your Java project

Edit the pom.xml of your project. Replace REPOSITORY with the name of your GitHub repository.

     <name>GitHub projekt-opal Apache Maven Packages</name>

Now you should be able to execute mvn deploy.

General information on GitHub