Manage your assets and third-party transpiler (less, stylus, coffee, babel, etc.) and allow you to concat and/or minify them in production environment.
First you need composer if you have'nt yet:
Then in the root directory of your project, open a terminal and enter:
composer require pug-php/pug-assets
Enable the plugin:
use Pug\Assets;
use Pug\Pug;
$pug = new Pug();
// The facade syntax:
$pug->render('... minify ...'); // here you can use minfiy, assets or concat keywords to wrap your assets
$pug->render('... minify ...'); // here minfiy, assets or concat are simple tags again
// Or the instanciation syntax:
$assets = new Assets($pug);
$pug->render('... minify ...'); // here you can use minfiy, assets or concat keywords to wrap your assets
$pug->render('... minify ...'); // here minfiy, assets or concat are simple tags again
For more information about the concat/minify usage, see
Pug-Assets also instal the coffee, react-jsx, stylus, less and markdown pug filters to use them as inline contents.