Preview of Click me!.
- Create new notes with a title and text content
- Edit existing notes by modifying the title and text
- Delete notes
- List all existing notes with their titles
- Save notes to a JSON file for persistence
- Load notes from the JSON file at startup
- Light & Dark UI Note
I'll release another version of this Python Note app soon or later with more features such as :
- Add support for formatting text content
- Include features like tags, categories, search
- Sync notes with cloud storage like Dropbox or Databases like mongodb atlas, firebase, etc.
- Build installers for Mac, Windows, Linux
The app is implemented in Python. It uses the json module to serialize notes to JSON for persistence.
The Note class represents a single note with a title and text content. The NoteManager class handles operations on the list of notes and loading/saving to the JSON file.
Requires Python 3.x.
Run pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the dependencies.
or Install them manually:
pip install tkinter
pip install json
pip install ttkbootstrap
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or pull request on GitHub.