The photometric redshift (photo-z) estimation code: photoz
The candidate selection code: classification
The photo-z and classification code is written in R language (https://cran.r-project.org), and depends on R packages, including sn, mvtnorm, pracma, data.table and bit64.
To install a R package, for example sn, please run
in R. -
To run a .R file, please run
in R.
- The flux in the input files are calculated via IDL codes in the get_flux directory.
- The SDSS, SDSS-WISE, PS1-WISE, and DECaLS-WISE photo-z results are in files in the photoz/result directory.
- SDSS: photoz_SDSS.csv.zip
- SDSS-WISE: photoz_skewt_SDSS_WISE.csv.zip
- PS1-WISE: photoz_skewt_PS1_WISE.csv.zip
- DECaLS-WISE: photoz_skewt_DECaLS_WISE.csv.zip
In region 340< R.A.<45 deg and −1.25<Decl.<1.25 deg (roughly b < −50 deg). Photometry used: DECaLS (DR3) and unWISE photometry. File: catalog/photoz_qso_S82.fits
Any question please fell free to contact Qian ([email protected]).