This is a Java/Spring Boot template for building a microservice to communicate with MySQL database.
This service demonstrates use of Apache Commons DBCP2 to manage connection pool, DataSource, JdbcTemplate and NamedParameterJdbcTemplate required to perform database operations.
The main files in this repository are:
specifies required dependency to build and package the application. -
contains actual java application business logic ,service and persistence layer. -
contains values (typically configured by developer), properties required to run micoservice in a desired environment. -
database scripts to create schema,insert dummy data into MySQL.
Download the repository from GitHub.
Execute maven command to build application or directly run through IDE.
..\springboot-dbcp2-jdbc-mysql> mvn clean package -e -U
- Run main class
through IDE or through Maven Spring boot commands.
mvn spring-boot:run
Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0. Please see LICENSE for details.
Happy Learning !