CollectiveSpins v0.1.0
Closed issues:
- Run femtocleaner (#3)
Merged pull requests:
- Change README to markdown. (#1) (@bastikr)
- Docs (#2) (@bastikr)
- Update to Julia 0.7. (#4) (@lostermann)
- fix tests (#6) (@raphael3d)
- Additions (#7) (@lostermann)
- GreenTensor added to interaction.jl and Tests (#12) (@raphael3d)
- Reducedspin (#13) (@lostermann)
- Fix reducedspin and add tests (#14) (@david-pl)
- Fix interactions for complex dipole moments (#15) (@david-pl)
- Added files for infinite 1-D chain band structure and decay rate calc… (#16) (@taylorpatti)
- Revied some variable names, added docs, added demo to docs folder. (#17) (@taylorpatti)
- 2D functions, documentation, and examples. Streamlined 1D updates and new 1D test functions. (#18) (@taylorpatti)
- Getting CollectiveSpins publication ready (#19) (@david-pl)