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Simpler bloch redfield tensor (#307)
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* Simplified bloch_redfield_tensor implementation

* Added multi-threading to bloch_redfield_master
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sd109 authored Jun 9, 2021
1 parent 3871335 commit e8d46d1
Showing 1 changed file with 48 additions and 82 deletions.
130 changes: 48 additions & 82 deletions src/bloch_redfield_master.jl
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function bloch_redfield_tensor(H::AbstractOperator, a_ops::Array; J=[], use_secular=true, secular_cutoff=0.1)

# use the eigenbasis
H_evals, transf_mat = eigen(DenseOperator(H).data)
H_ekets = [Ket(H.basis_l, transf_mat[:, i]) for i in 1:length(H_evals)]::Array{Ket{typeof(H.basis_l), Array{Complex{Float64}, 1}}, 1}

# Use the energy eigenbasis
H_evals, transf_mat = eigen(Array( #Array call makes sure H is a dense array
H_ekets = [Ket(H.basis_l, transf_mat[:, i]) for i in 1:length(H_evals)]

#Define function for transforming to Hamiltonian eigenbasis
function to_Heb(op, U)
#Copy oper
oper = copy(op)
#Transform underlying array = inv(U) * * U
oper = copy(op) #Aviod mutating input op = inv(U) * * U #Transform underlying array
return oper

N = length(H_evals)
K = length(a_ops)
N = length(H_evals) #Hilbert space dimension
K = length(a_ops) #Number of system-env interation operators

# Calculate Liouvillian for Lindblad terms (unitary part + dissipation from J (if given)):
Heb = to_Heb(H, transf_mat)
#Use annon function
#Use anon function
f = (x->to_Heb(x, transf_mat))
L = liouvillian(Heb, f.(J))
L = sparse(L)
#If only Lindblad collapse terms (no a_ops given)
L_task = Threads.@spawn liouvillian(Heb, f.(J)) #This also includes unitary dynamics part dρ/dt = -i[H, ρ]
# L = sparse(liouvillian(Heb, f.(J)))

#If only Lindblad collapse terms (no a_ops given) then we're done
if K==0
return L, H_ekets
L = sparse(fetch(L_task))
return L, H_ekets #L is in the energy eigenbasis here

#Transform interaction operators to Hamiltonian eigenbasis
A = Array{Complex{Float64}}(undef, N, N, K)
A = Array{ComplexF64}(undef, N, N, K)
for k in 1:K
A[:, :, k] = to_Heb(a_ops[k][1], transf_mat).data

# Trasition frequencies between eigenstates
W = transpose(H_evals) .- H_evals
# Array of transition frequencies between eigenstates
W = H_evals .- transpose(H_evals)

#Array for spectral functions evaluated at transition frequencies
Jw = Array{Complex{Float64}}(undef, N, N, K)
# Jw = zeros(Complex{Float64}, N, N, K)
Jw = Array{Float64}(undef, N, N, K)
#Loop over all a_ops and calculate each spectral density at all transition frequencies
for k in 1:K
# do explicit loops here
for n in 1:N
for m in 1:N
Jw[m, n, k] = a_ops[k][2](W[n, m])
Jw[:, :, k] .= a_ops[k][2].(W)

#Calculate secular cutoff scale
W_flat = reshape(W, N*N)
dw_min = minimum(abs.(W_flat[W_flat .!= 0.0]))

#Pre-calculate mapping between global index I and system indices a,b
Iabs = Array{Int}(undef, N*N, 3)
indices = CartesianIndices((N,N))
for I in 1:N*N
Iabs[I, 1] = I
Iabs[I, 2:3] = [indices[I].I...]
#Calculate secular cutoff scale if needed
if use_secular
dw_min = minimum(abs.(W[W .!= 0.0]))
w_cutoff = dw_min * secular_cutoff

#Initialize R_abcd array
data = zeros(ComplexF64, N, N, N, N)
#Loop through all indices and calculate elements - seems to be as efficient as any fancy broadcasting implementation (and much simpler to read)
Threads.@threads for idx in CartesianIndices(data)

# ALTERNATIVE DENSE METHOD - Main Bloch-Redfield operators part
data = zeros(ComplexF64, N^2, N^2)
Is = view(Iabs, :, 1)
As = view(Iabs, :, 2)
Bs = view(Iabs, :, 3)

for (I, a, b) in zip(Is, As, Bs)

if use_secular
Jcds = zeros(Int, size(Iabs))
for (row, (I2, a2, b2)) in enumerate(zip(Is, As, Bs))
if abs.(W[a, b] - W[a2, b2]) < dw_min * secular_cutoff
Jcds[row, :] = [I2 a2 b2]
Jcds = transpose(Jcds)
Jcds = Jcds[Jcds .!= 0]
Jcds = reshape(Jcds, 3, Int(length(Jcds)/3))
Jcds = transpose(Jcds)

Js = view(Jcds, :, 1)
Cs = view(Jcds, :, 2)
Ds = view(Jcds, :, 3)

Js = Is
Cs = As
Ds = Bs

for (J, c, d) in zip(Js, Cs, Ds)

sum!( view(data, I, J), view(A, c, a, :) .* view(A, b, d, :) .* (view(Jw, c, a, :) + view(Jw, d, b, :) ) )
# data[I, J] = 0.5 * sum(view(A, c, a, :) .* view(A, b, d, :) .* (view(Jw, c, a, :) + view(Jw, d, b, :) ))
a, b, c, d = Tuple(idx) #Unpack indices

if b == d
data[I, J] -= sum( view(A, a, :, :) .* view(A, c, :, :) .* view(Jw, c, :, :) )
#Skip any values that are larger than the secular cutoff
if use_secular && abs(W[a, b] - W[c, d]) > w_cutoff

if a == c
data[I, J] -= sum( view(A, d, :, :) .* view(A, b, :, :) .* view(Jw, d, :, :) )
""" Term 1 """
sum!(view(data, idx), @views A[a, c, :] .* A[d, b, :] .* (Jw[c, a, :] .+ Jw[d, b, :]) ) #Broadcasting over interaction operators

# data[I, J] *= 0.5
""" Term 2 (b == d) """
if b == d
data[idx] -= @views sum( A[a, :, :] .* A[:, c, :] .* Jw[c, :, :] ) #Broadcasting over interaction operators and extra sum over n

""" Term 3 (a == c) """
if a == c
data[idx] -= @views sum( A[d, :, :] .* A[:, b, :] .* Jw[d, :, :] ) #Broadcasting over interaction operators and extra sum over n


data *= 0.5
R = sparse(data) # Removes any zero values and converts to sparse array
data *= 0.5 #Don't forget the factor of 1/2
data = reshape(data, N^2, N^2) #Convert to Liouville space
R = sparse(data) #Remove any zero values and converts to sparse array

#Add Bloch-Redfield part to Linblad Liouvillian calculated earlier
#Add Bloch-Redfield part to unitary dyanmics and Lindblad Liouvillian calculated above
L = sparse(fetch(L_task)) = + R

return L, H_ekets
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