Builds a .pdf CV (click to view directly) using R Markdown and LaTex. Easily editable text fields if you know a little R Markdown (basically plain text with a couple formatting features). If you're adventurous, edit cv-latex.tex (LaTeX file) to edit format/structure.
Note: My resume is out of date here and I'd direct you to my webpage for the latest version. I think this format works well for CVs that are fairly static, but I've since switched to a Word-based resume that I find more convenient to tailor for specific applications.
- Fork+Clone the repository (or just download all files to the same directory).
- Ensure you have R and R Studio installed.
- Open resume.Rproj in R Studio.
- Customize klein_cv.Rmd to edit text (can rename file also).
- (Optional) edit cv-latex.tex to edit formatting.
- Click "knit" button in R Studio to output .pdf file.