This repository is used for developing my CV in Tex. Anyone who likes the template can use it.
The sections can be put at any way you want just by changing the order in the cv.tex.
The sections are:
- Info
- About
- Education
- Work Experience
- Skills (for hard Skills)
- Soft Skills
- Familiar with (for technologies or subjects you are familiar with)
- Interests
I included a cover letter template. The file is self contained. You include your information (the \info command looks at the already filled in information in the \Info directory and includes it automatically), you compile it and you are golden.
- The Macros folder includes the macros.tex file that is used to configure the look of each section.
- The Quality_About folder includes the about_template that can be changed to fit your needs. If you want to apply for different roles, change the role, write an about section for each role and just include it in the cv.tex file.