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Rati Wannapanop edited this page Apr 27, 2017 · 2 revisions



# css

  • type: Object

  • default:

      infoClass: 'left floated left aligned six wide column'
  • description:

    The css property holds most of the CSS classes that VuetablePaginationInfo uses in its template.

# info-template

  • type: String

  • default: Displaying {from} to {to} of {total} items

  • description:

    The template string to be used to display the pagination information.

    Available placeholders

    • {from} the starting record number displayed
    • {to} the ending record number displayed
    • {total} the total number of records available

# no-data-template

  • type: Object

  • default: No relevant data

  • description:

    The template string to be showned when there is no data to display.


# tablePagination

  • type: Object

  • default: null

    The pagination information received from Vuetable.


# paginationInfo

  • params: none

  • return: String

    The actual pagination information to be displayed after replacing all the placeholders with corresponding values.


# setPaginationData

  • params:

    • tablePagination: Object -- pagination information
  • description

    Setting the tablePagination data to be used when rendering pagination component.

# resetData

  • params: none

  • description

    This method will set tablePagination to null.

