fragroute已经很久没有更新了,我尝试在debian12下安装,依赖libevent的旧版本,而libevent又依赖python的旧版本,安装起来非常不方便。 在github上发现了ajkeeton老哥更新了一个版本解决了该问题,仓库从这里fork:ajkeeton/fragroute,以下是修改的纪录,fork它是为了方便后续自己安装软件。
At times I have needed to use or modify Dug Song's Fragroute. Figured it was due time to begin tracking those changes.
- Fragroute 1.2 uses an obsolete version of libevent and won't compile out-of-the-box. I've hacked around that.
- Added ability to forward the original traffic to the destination but save the manipulated version of the traffic to a pcap file. Doing so means nothing fishy reaches the target host, but the would-be modified traffic is still saved for inspection, analysis, testing, etc.