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- prompts Public
⌨️ @reliverse/relinka is a full-featured alternative to @inquirer/prompts (Inquirer.js), enquirer, @clack/prompts, terkelg prompts, cronvel terminal-kit, unjs consola, and similar prompts libraries.
reliverse/prompts’s past year of commit activity - cli Public
🏯 Reliverse is a website builder inside your terminal. You can start from scratch or use a template. You can set everything up automatically or configure everything exactly the way you like. You can have it all, with all the tools already prepared for you.
reliverse/cli’s past year of commit activity - vscode-extension-framework Public
⚡ Next-gen VSCode Extension Framework. 🧩 It's like WXT, but for VSCode Extensions.
reliverse/vscode-extension-framework’s past year of commit activity - performance Public
@reliverse/performance: A tool for measuring and comparing the performance of development APIs, arbitrary JS/TS CLI commands, and various other tasks.
reliverse/performance’s past year of commit activity - cutexe Public
@reliverse/cutexe: Running commands in your scripts can now be an enjoyable, charming, and cute process. Embrace cutexe, not just child_process execution. This library is a great alternative to execa, tinyexec, etc.
reliverse/cutexe’s past year of commit activity - pmx Public
@reliverse/pmx: A versatile package manager that wraps around bun, pnpm, yarn, and npm. This global installation tool detects your preferred package manager and installs packages accordingly. Switched to bun but still type pnpm out of habit, messing up your node_modules? pmx reduces the chances of such errors and improves your workflow!
reliverse/pmx’s past year of commit activity - cli-framework Public
Building a CLI can be difficult, right? This project will make everything easier and more convenient.
reliverse/cli-framework’s past year of commit activity