Demo project to show a potential use of Resource Sentry for the localization.
Install dependencies:
yarn add --dev @resource-sentry/core
yarn add --dev @resource-sentry/reader-localization
yarn add --dev @resource-sentry/writer-es2015
The provided example is for readability, you can combine package names and use a single shell command.
Configuration rs.config.js
const ReaderLocalization = require('@resource-sentry/reader-localization'),
WriterEs2015 = require('@resource-sentry/writer-es2015');
module.exports = {
config: {
input : [
new ReaderLocalization({
entry: './data/locale'
output: new WriterEs2015({
path: './src/model'
Use of Resource Sentry with locales:
import Rs from './src/model/rs.js';
Rs.getText(Rs.Text.TEXT_INTRO, navigator.language); // Welcome to the Universe
Rs.getText(Rs.Text.TEXT_INTRO, 'es'); // Bienvenido al universo
Rs.getText(Rs.Text.TEXT_INTRO, 'de'); // Willkommen im Universum